More Tamiflu questions please visit :
Does Tamiflu guarantee complete rescue from Avian Flu?
Tamiflu is a neuraminidase inhibitor. Flu viruses need an enzyme called neuraminidase surrounded by order to bud off of cells after they replicate inside of the cell. Unfortunately, viruses are hasty to adapt and can become resistant to tamiflu. Even more unfortunate is the fact that Tamiflu resistant strains of the H5N1 Influenza virus...
I've get swine flu symptoms, how am I supposed to receive to the doctors for tamiflu?
I've been very ill for the past two days and enjoy two small children whom I am on my own with (single mum). I rang NHS direct who advised me to take 2 paracetomols every so oodles hours. However I still feel lousy, and want to get some tamiflu.
My daughter get given tamiflu and in a minute me and my 2year infirm are inkling not a hundred percent is it swine flu enjoy we caught it?
you could hold caught the normal flu. tamiflu is vaccination vs swine flu. unless you were in contact near someone with swine flu. you're more likely to have caught the seasonal flu. It could be is...
My daughter have swine flu she on tamiflu should her sisters run to university or lug a few days sour?
they should probably stay home, just to make sure they dont own it cuz if they do the whole skool would probably have it by the end of the week Source(s): answer mine?;? You should ask the school, adjectives schools have procedures...
My friend have be prescribed tamiflu 75mg and contained by reading the flier feel is irrelevent to what he consulted?
He's(friend)has flu-like symptoms. - Tamiflu is to treat the flu. Your friend has the flu. He gets tamiflu. Either he doesn't really have flu like symptoms or he's on the right prescription. Either way he'll be sick for a while and then...
My GP recons i hold swine flu, should i still cart the tamiflu?
Well my GP says i have 4 out of 5 symptoms of swine flu, but if i dont have swine flu and i still take the tamiflu, could it be dodgy? You can take it anyway, just the dosage varies so read the instructions before you bring it. I had swine flu...
Perscription drug Tamiflu Question?
I had a bad cold/flu for about 6-7 days already, but it says appropriate tamiflu within the first 2 days when symptoms develop, what if i start taking them now, I already took 1 dose (75mg) It won't do anything since you already own it. Your immune systems does different things at different stages of the game, so to...
Pregnant, would U rob Tamiflu for Swine Flu?
Im six months pregnant with bub number 2!! and i just want to know if anyone has taken or known of a pregnant woman who have taken tamiflu when diagnosed with swine flu..? and, also mums to be---- would u take medication for swine flu if u got it?? please dont answer if u...
Saudi: where on earth to buy " tamiflu " contained by Jeddah?
and how much does it cost? I just found this place, look at the prices ... Good luck and health to you and your home! Sorry, can't help you out. Tamiflu is available in the Mid East. Tamiflu be sold over the counter, but because of some stupid people who...
Shall I run the Tamiflu as I'm traveling to florida?
I have to go to my grandfather's funeral in florida so I do not want to die of swine flu as I heard ppl are dying. Shall I pilfer the vaccine? I heard that the tamiflu is pretty dangerous from different ppl. What is your advice? Take me No. Make sure you...
Should we start stocking up on Tamiflu contained by luggage of a crucial swine flu pandemic?
No. That would be selfish. Just use good healthy hygiene skills. Everyone will be fine. no, tamiflu will credible do nothing in this case. Tamiflu is all that doctors enjoy to combat the flus that jump species (bird flu and swine flu)...
Since Tamiflu be the key medication we have against the swine flu?
How do you feel now that the h1n1 is beginning to become resistant to tamiflu? - Swine flu is similar to other flues as they will not last if one have strong immune system and takes lots of vitamin C and good echinacea and garlic.One should avoid...
Sore throat, swollen glands, headache, muscle ache. Phoned docs they prescribed tamiflu but is it swine flu?
i have also had stomach ache and nausea. No cough or high temp tho? My daughter started beside sudden cough, diahhroea, vomiting the night before my symptoms started. Doc has given us both Tamiflu but how do we know it is swine flu? is it dangerous to...
Swine Flu And Tamiflu Question? (UK)?
I don't have any symptoms of swine flu yet (fingers crossed it stays like that), but assuming I did, and phoned my GP, how long would it take them to any confirm it, or give the all-clear? Would I need to wait until it was confirmed to get hold of tamiflu, as I'm told tamiflu should be...
Swine flu and tamiflu?
as tamiflu was banned in japan a couple of years ago for bein the cause of death of children and teenagers causing convulsions, delusions and neurological problems could this actually be the cause of the death from so called swine flu..can the medication be killing people rather than the syndrome no Not sure about that, but can't understand...
Swine flu showing resistance to Tamiflu?!!!?
Experts in Denmark have confirmed that a swine is showing resistance from Tamiflu. Could this spread as countries around the world give tamiflu out like sweets. What would come about if there was a worldwide resistance to tamiflu? I agree next to Bob S, it is a pandemic yes, but the scientist keep...
Swine flu(tamiflu tablets) and the pill? Help?
Im currently on the microgynon pill. And I also have swine flu so Im taking the tamiflu tablet. Does this affect my pill and I also vommitted 5 hours after I took my pill, is it still working? Or should I just stop taking the pill? If I do, what are the side effects? You should...
Tamiflu back i turn on holiday?
Hiya I dont have swine flu at present but am not looking forward to catching it. Am going on my honeymoon to dominican republic on 16th august and am worried about gettin it over there. I know tamiflu can help next to the initial stages of it and helps you get over it quicker I dont want honeymoon ruined...
Tamiflu pills are ok next to alcohol?
i had the famous flu.. i am taking the tamiflu pills.. is it ok to drink alcohol or not? someone told me that tamiflu pills are not antibiotics.. Yes. I also heard that they cause diarrhoea. They are not antibiotics. They are anti-viral which is different. All drug packets come next to an information...
The birth control pill and tamiflu and sex?
the day before i started taking the tamiflu drug to fight my flu i had unprotected sex ie. did not use a condom and he did not verbs out. but i am on the pill and have been using it perfectly for about 3 months. Is at hand a possibility that this tamiflu drug could have interfered...
Two general public on tamiflu tablets can they be within contact?
My two friends are on tamiflu tablets, but the doctors werent sure if they had swine flu, so they had to go on these just incase. Are they allowed to be contained by contact with one another? Since they are both on the tablets? thanksx - Yes they can be in contact...
We are planning to jump to spain subsequent week. if i acquire swine flu while on holiday, will i know how to grasp tamiflu ?
yes, they would have to quarantine you, because they dont want others to get it. From the link... "We believe that (10 million) is more than sufficient to congregate demand that may arise, including a possible later stage...
What are the side effects of Tamiflu?
I went to the emergency room and I have a "suspicious" case of H1N1 |(swine). The government isn't permit any testing to be done because it's "costing too much money" and because all cases seem to be generally mild. I be given tamiflu and I am so nauseous. Is this a normal side effect? I feel worse than...
What does it suggest in a minute that here is a tamiflu resistant H1N1 virus strain?
Is it a bad thing that there is a tamiflu resistant H1N1 virus strain? And what does it mean in a minute? yes that means that they will have to find something else that can treat it and if they dont well h1n1 has kill serval people so just...
What happen if you stipulation tamiflu, own no insurance and can't afford it?
If you are diagnosed with the swine flu, have no health insurance and are under the federal poverty height and can't afford the meds does the doctor give the meds to u or a rx u can't pay for and you have to fend for yourself and do without the meds?...
What is the difference between generic tamiflu and the one the gp give you .Tamiflu, im buying it online?
trying to buy some online, been told about generic ones being different to the original tamiflu, i would approaching to go to gp but he wont give any out if you dont have the flu symptoms, at least thats what im guessing, any design...
What will occur when you bear tamiflu?
i mean will it stop you from getting swine flu - you get better right away No you just get gain better faster by 2 days. You will still get sick. That's only if you take it within 48 hours of getting the flu. All so that doesn't even count if the flu mutate...
What's the best website to buy tamiflu online, please? beware of spam and fraudulent sites . as far as i know there is no 100% guaranteed tamiflu available to buy on line there are abundant sites that offer it here are a few http://pediatrics.D106/od/drugprofi? in the above site facts ~prescription if it is prescription only...
Does Tamiflu guarantee complete rescue from Avian Flu?
Tamiflu is a neuraminidase inhibitor. Flu viruses need an enzyme called neuraminidase surrounded by order to bud off of cells after they replicate inside of the cell. Unfortunately, viruses are hasty to adapt and can become resistant to tamiflu. Even more unfortunate is the fact that Tamiflu resistant strains of the H5N1 Influenza virus...
I've get swine flu symptoms, how am I supposed to receive to the doctors for tamiflu?
I've been very ill for the past two days and enjoy two small children whom I am on my own with (single mum). I rang NHS direct who advised me to take 2 paracetomols every so oodles hours. However I still feel lousy, and want to get some tamiflu.
My daughter get given tamiflu and in a minute me and my 2year infirm are inkling not a hundred percent is it swine flu enjoy we caught it?
you could hold caught the normal flu. tamiflu is vaccination vs swine flu. unless you were in contact near someone with swine flu. you're more likely to have caught the seasonal flu. It could be is...
My daughter have swine flu she on tamiflu should her sisters run to university or lug a few days sour?
they should probably stay home, just to make sure they dont own it cuz if they do the whole skool would probably have it by the end of the week Source(s): answer mine?;? You should ask the school, adjectives schools have procedures...
My friend have be prescribed tamiflu 75mg and contained by reading the flier feel is irrelevent to what he consulted?
He's(friend)has flu-like symptoms. - Tamiflu is to treat the flu. Your friend has the flu. He gets tamiflu. Either he doesn't really have flu like symptoms or he's on the right prescription. Either way he'll be sick for a while and then...
My GP recons i hold swine flu, should i still cart the tamiflu?
Well my GP says i have 4 out of 5 symptoms of swine flu, but if i dont have swine flu and i still take the tamiflu, could it be dodgy? You can take it anyway, just the dosage varies so read the instructions before you bring it. I had swine flu...
Perscription drug Tamiflu Question?
I had a bad cold/flu for about 6-7 days already, but it says appropriate tamiflu within the first 2 days when symptoms develop, what if i start taking them now, I already took 1 dose (75mg) It won't do anything since you already own it. Your immune systems does different things at different stages of the game, so to...
Pregnant, would U rob Tamiflu for Swine Flu?
Im six months pregnant with bub number 2!! and i just want to know if anyone has taken or known of a pregnant woman who have taken tamiflu when diagnosed with swine flu..? and, also mums to be---- would u take medication for swine flu if u got it?? please dont answer if u...
Saudi: where on earth to buy " tamiflu " contained by Jeddah?
and how much does it cost? I just found this place, look at the prices ... Good luck and health to you and your home! Sorry, can't help you out. Tamiflu is available in the Mid East. Tamiflu be sold over the counter, but because of some stupid people who...
Shall I run the Tamiflu as I'm traveling to florida?
I have to go to my grandfather's funeral in florida so I do not want to die of swine flu as I heard ppl are dying. Shall I pilfer the vaccine? I heard that the tamiflu is pretty dangerous from different ppl. What is your advice? Take me No. Make sure you...
Should we start stocking up on Tamiflu contained by luggage of a crucial swine flu pandemic?
No. That would be selfish. Just use good healthy hygiene skills. Everyone will be fine. no, tamiflu will credible do nothing in this case. Tamiflu is all that doctors enjoy to combat the flus that jump species (bird flu and swine flu)...
Since Tamiflu be the key medication we have against the swine flu?
How do you feel now that the h1n1 is beginning to become resistant to tamiflu? - Swine flu is similar to other flues as they will not last if one have strong immune system and takes lots of vitamin C and good echinacea and garlic.One should avoid...
Sore throat, swollen glands, headache, muscle ache. Phoned docs they prescribed tamiflu but is it swine flu?
i have also had stomach ache and nausea. No cough or high temp tho? My daughter started beside sudden cough, diahhroea, vomiting the night before my symptoms started. Doc has given us both Tamiflu but how do we know it is swine flu? is it dangerous to...
Swine Flu And Tamiflu Question? (UK)?
I don't have any symptoms of swine flu yet (fingers crossed it stays like that), but assuming I did, and phoned my GP, how long would it take them to any confirm it, or give the all-clear? Would I need to wait until it was confirmed to get hold of tamiflu, as I'm told tamiflu should be...
Swine flu and tamiflu?
as tamiflu was banned in japan a couple of years ago for bein the cause of death of children and teenagers causing convulsions, delusions and neurological problems could this actually be the cause of the death from so called swine flu..can the medication be killing people rather than the syndrome no Not sure about that, but can't understand...
Swine flu showing resistance to Tamiflu?!!!?
Experts in Denmark have confirmed that a swine is showing resistance from Tamiflu. Could this spread as countries around the world give tamiflu out like sweets. What would come about if there was a worldwide resistance to tamiflu? I agree next to Bob S, it is a pandemic yes, but the scientist keep...
Swine flu(tamiflu tablets) and the pill? Help?
Im currently on the microgynon pill. And I also have swine flu so Im taking the tamiflu tablet. Does this affect my pill and I also vommitted 5 hours after I took my pill, is it still working? Or should I just stop taking the pill? If I do, what are the side effects? You should...
Tamiflu back i turn on holiday?
Hiya I dont have swine flu at present but am not looking forward to catching it. Am going on my honeymoon to dominican republic on 16th august and am worried about gettin it over there. I know tamiflu can help next to the initial stages of it and helps you get over it quicker I dont want honeymoon ruined...
Tamiflu pills are ok next to alcohol?
i had the famous flu.. i am taking the tamiflu pills.. is it ok to drink alcohol or not? someone told me that tamiflu pills are not antibiotics.. Yes. I also heard that they cause diarrhoea. They are not antibiotics. They are anti-viral which is different. All drug packets come next to an information...
The birth control pill and tamiflu and sex?
the day before i started taking the tamiflu drug to fight my flu i had unprotected sex ie. did not use a condom and he did not verbs out. but i am on the pill and have been using it perfectly for about 3 months. Is at hand a possibility that this tamiflu drug could have interfered...
Two general public on tamiflu tablets can they be within contact?
My two friends are on tamiflu tablets, but the doctors werent sure if they had swine flu, so they had to go on these just incase. Are they allowed to be contained by contact with one another? Since they are both on the tablets? thanksx - Yes they can be in contact...
We are planning to jump to spain subsequent week. if i acquire swine flu while on holiday, will i know how to grasp tamiflu ?
yes, they would have to quarantine you, because they dont want others to get it. From the link... "We believe that (10 million) is more than sufficient to congregate demand that may arise, including a possible later stage...
What are the side effects of Tamiflu?
I went to the emergency room and I have a "suspicious" case of H1N1 |(swine). The government isn't permit any testing to be done because it's "costing too much money" and because all cases seem to be generally mild. I be given tamiflu and I am so nauseous. Is this a normal side effect? I feel worse than...
What does it suggest in a minute that here is a tamiflu resistant H1N1 virus strain?
Is it a bad thing that there is a tamiflu resistant H1N1 virus strain? And what does it mean in a minute? yes that means that they will have to find something else that can treat it and if they dont well h1n1 has kill serval people so just...
What happen if you stipulation tamiflu, own no insurance and can't afford it?
If you are diagnosed with the swine flu, have no health insurance and are under the federal poverty height and can't afford the meds does the doctor give the meds to u or a rx u can't pay for and you have to fend for yourself and do without the meds?...
What is the difference between generic tamiflu and the one the gp give you .Tamiflu, im buying it online?
trying to buy some online, been told about generic ones being different to the original tamiflu, i would approaching to go to gp but he wont give any out if you dont have the flu symptoms, at least thats what im guessing, any design...
What will occur when you bear tamiflu?
i mean will it stop you from getting swine flu - you get better right away No you just get gain better faster by 2 days. You will still get sick. That's only if you take it within 48 hours of getting the flu. All so that doesn't even count if the flu mutate...
What's the best website to buy tamiflu online, please? beware of spam and fraudulent sites . as far as i know there is no 100% guaranteed tamiflu available to buy on line there are abundant sites that offer it here are a few http://pediatrics.D106/od/drugprofi? in the above site facts ~prescription if it is prescription only...