Business & Finance Small Business

Handcrafted Jewelry For Sale

When your studio starts to look like a dragon's treasure stash, it's time to start selling your handmade jewelry! Why not? You've been making jewelry for some time now, and all your friends and family have hinted they have all the jewelry they need for now. You're so addicted to the relaxation and enjoyment of creating lovely pieces of jewelry that there is no way you can, or want to, stop. It's really time to make your hobby pay for itself and earn some cash for yourself, too!
Determining fair prices for your jewelry isn't nearly as complicated as it first may seem. Here are three simple steps to help you know how to price your jewelry.

Take inventory of your jewelry pieces for sale and calculate the costs of all materials and tools you used to make them, including any shipping and handling costs.

Pay yourself. Your time and labor have gone into the making of your jewelry, so you deserve to be paid, even if at first, it's only $10 an hour!

Tally the costs of your overhead, such as a business phone line, power usage, rental fees for booths at crafts fairs and festivals where you will sell your wares and the costs of building and maintaining your own jewelry web site. An easy way to estimate these costs is to total your other costs and divide by four.

Using these steps is an easy way to decide how to price your jewelry that is fair to you and your prospective customers.

There is a good variety of ways to sell your jewelry from a home-based business, and it's sensible to start from, home. Setting up in a shop or boutique may seem glamorous, but it takes time, and usually eats your profits and some personal cash. Starting out small can be so much fun! With the methods below, you'll have the opportunity to interact with your community and make it aware of your business, and form a network with other crafters, which can be a wonderful source of design ideas and support!
Home Jewelry Parties: This is one of the least expensive, fun and profitable bases from which to start your home-based jewelry business. You can host the party yourself or have someone you know host it for you. Invite several people, serve refreshments and show off your jewelry to your guests. Let the guests try on the jewelry, and provide mirrors large enough to allow them to see how well a necklace fits. Have a receipt book and plenty of cash change on hand, because you're sure to sell some of your beautiful jewelry items!

Arts and Crafts Fairs Shows and Festivals provide a fun and exciting venue for selling your jewelry. It is a great way to meet fellow artisans, as well as establishing yourself in the crafts network. While you sell your jewelry, you may visit other jewelry booths, make friends with the owners and pick up tips to enhance your business, learn the latest trends and learn new designs. You may enjoy haggling with customers and learning how to correctly price you jewelry for optimized sales and profits.

Online Jewelry Shops are relatively low-overhead/high exposure venues for selling jewelry without leaving your home. You can join an online shops network that specializes in jewelry and accessories, or build your own web site shop. Online auctions are immensely popular, and generate tremendous exposure! E-Bay shops are one of the most cost-effective ways of displaying your jewelry, especially since e-Bay has such a vast customer base.

These are just the three easiest and least expensive ways to start your home-based jewelry business. You may want to start with just one method, then gradually branch out into the other areas, concentrating on the most profitable. For instance, you may start giving home jewelry parties, and as that venue begins to slack off, set it aside for a while and venture into online sales. Once you've established your online business, it will need only periodic updates for adding new designs or retiring those that don't sell well or are out of fashion. Then you can start making the rounds of crafts fairs and festivals, while having the occasional party and taking care of web site maintenance. This is a sure way to maximize your profits, build a solid customer base and participate in a network of crafters who are just as enthusiastic about the jewelry-making business as you are!
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