Health & Medical Anti Aging

5 Ways to Know You"ve Found the Best Anti Wrinkle Cream

Are you sick and tired of spending money on anti wrinkle creams that do not deliver results? Most anti-aging skin care products out there only contain traces of active ingredients and are mostly made up of cheap synthetic fillers.
What is the best anti wrinkle cream? If you keep the following five points in mind, you will be able to find a cream that you are satisfied with so you never have to shop around for a new product again.
What is the best wrinkle cream supposed to cost? You would be surprised to learn that a good day cream or night cream will be less than $40.
People have the mistaken idea that if they spend a lot of money, they are going to get a better product.
The fact is that big brand companies only charge a lot because it costs them so much to market and advertise their products.
What is the best anti wrinkle cream supposed to smell like? The best anti wrinkle cream should only have a light vegetable oil smell.
Avoid wrinkle creams that have fragrances.
Fragrances can be made up of up to 4,000 toxic ingredients, some of which are carcinogenic.
Many skin care products contain fragrances to cover up the bad smell of cheap synthetic ingredients.
What is the best wrinkle cream supposed to contain in order to protect your skin from the sun and prevent further aging? Forget SPF factors.
SPF factors are made from a chemical known as Padimate-O, which has been shown in studies to cause cancer.
Ironically, rather than preventing cancer, SPF factors can cause cancer.
Your best bet is to find a wrinkle cream that contains powerful antioxidants like Phytessence Wakame extract and Natural Vitamin E, which will protect your skin from the sun without any side effects.
What is the best anti wrinkle cream supposed to contain in order to reverse the signs of aging skin? Look for the latest ingredients proven to fight the leading causes of aging, which are the loss of hyaluronic acid, the loss of collagen and elastin, and the damage caused by free radicals.
Cynergy TK is scientifically proven to fight collagen and elastin loss while stimulating their re-growth.
Phytessence Wakame nourishes your skin with essential vitamins and minerals while stopping the loss of hyaluronic acid and thus improving your skin's smoothness, elasticity, and tone.
Nanolipobelle H EQ10 has the ability to deeply penetrate your skin to gobble up free radicals and smooth out wrinkles.
What is the best wrinkle cream not supposed to contain? Avoid synthetic chemical ingredients altogether, such as parabens, mineral oil, propylene glycol, and triclosan, to name a few.
These ingredients have many harmful side effects for your health including skin irritation, allergies, and even cancer.
Use all natural products.
In order to know whether a product is natural or not, find out whether it is edible.
If a product is edible, it is safe enough to put on your skin because anytime you put anything on your skin it gets absorbed and enters your bloodstream so you are effectively eating it.
Now that you are armed with this information, start shopping around for the best anti wrinkle cream with these pointers in mind.
You will know you found the right product if your skin looks younger, smoother, and more radiant each time you apply it.
Remember that natural, highly effective creams don not have to be expensive.
You would be surprised at the results you will get for cream that is of high quality as well as affordable.
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