- 1). Reset the game and turn off both Striker controllers. You can fix many PlayStation 2 games by restarting.
- 2). Remove and reconnect the USB receiver to ensure it is securely inserted in the PlayStation 2's USB port.
- 3). Turn on the controller you wish to use for Player 1 and press the "Start" button. Hold the button on the receiver to connect the guitar to the console. When the lights on the controller and receiver stop flashing, the guitar is connected.
- 4). Connect the second Striker controller using the same procedure as in Step 3, or plug a PS2 controller into the second controller port on the console. Start a game of "Co-op" from the game's main menu.
- 5). Eject the game disc if the above steps do not allow you to play co-op. Clean the disc with a clean, dry cloth, wiping in straight motions from the center to edge of the disc. Retry the game with the clean disc.
- 6). Contact Activision if the above steps do not allow you to play Guitar Hero III in multiplayer. There may be an issue with your Striker controller that requires repair or replacement.