Many companies no longer send rejection letters to applicants that are not selected for a position. However, in some cases, employers do notify candidates that haven't been chosen.
otIf a company does send job rejection letters, you may be notified by email that another candidate has been selected for the job. The following is an example of the candidate rejection email message you may receive.
Candidate Rejection Email Message Example
Subject Line: Job Application - Candidate Name
Thank you very much for your interest in employment opportunities with ABCD company.
This message is to inform you that we have selected a candidate who is a match for the job requirements of the position.
We appreciate you taking the time to apply for employment with our company and wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors.
Best regards,
Hiring Manager
More Job Rejection Letters Examples
Letter and email message examples to use to reject a job offer, along with examples of job rejection letters employers send to job seekers when they have hired another candidate.