- 1). Go to irs.gov and download the application to become a 501(c)3 organization. The application you need is either the IRS 1023 form or the IRS 1024 form. Read the difference between the two and determine which one you need to fill out.
- 2). Fill out the application with all the required information. To avoid being denied nonprofit status, try not to leave any blanks on the form. You 'll need to supply information on when your organization was founded, how much money it brings in, as well as how it qualifies as a nonprofit organization, according to the requirements of the state and federal governments.
- 3). Write your organization's by-laws. The by-laws should explain in detail how you'll run the organization. You'll need to submit the bylaws with your application to the federal government to show that you're set up as a nonprofit organization and not a company or corporation. You'll also need to file your bylaws with the Arizona secretary of state's office.
- 4). Submit your application to the government along with your organization by-laws. You'll have to submit a fee with your application. To find out what the fee is, call the IRS or visit irs.gov.
- 5). Come up with a governing board for your organization. This should consist of at least an organization president, vice president, secretary and treasurer. This board is part of what qualifies your organization as a nonprofit and is responsible for all actions the organization performs.