Asking someone to rate the best health related tools online is like asking who is the best doctor in town. This is one of those questions that will depend on your life situation.
You will find a lot of health related tools online. Some are very reliable, while others are may just be wanting to sell you their newest version of snake oil. Since there is no regulation of what is said online, remember that blog articles are often made up and there is often no proof behind what are given as testimonials. Many are simply well written (or even not so well written) advertising copy.
In particular, beware of any sites that are offering an all natural cure for anything. If you want to try one of their cures, then at least try doing a bit of research outside of the website for what is being advertised. If all your research keeps bringing you back to the same products, then you will want to be careful. Remember, it is inexpensive and easy to set up a website. You might also try visiting your local health food store and speaking with the people there about the remedy. It may be available in another form for less money.
There are many free websites that give expert advice about diet and fitness. One of the handiest tools will calculate your BMI. This is an indicator of how many calories you can consume at your current activity level to maintain your present weight. If you want to lose weight, then you can increase activity and/or decrease the amount of food you are eating.
Here are a few sites in particular that may help you as you look for health related sites:
A great tool that helps to answer a lot of health related questions is Ask.MD. This is a specialty health search engine that only indexes medical and health materials, websites, blogs, news and other online resources. is a site that is devoted to blogs which are designed with the idea of a patient taking responsibility for his or her own health.
WebMD is also a popular site for health related information. They include information on many diseases, treatments and the latest news.
Do not let the research you are doing on the internet replace your doctor though. Remember that he is the expert, and not necessarily the websites that you read online. If you find information that you believe your doctor needs to know about your specific condition, be sure to print it out and take it on your next visit.
You will find a lot of health related tools online. Some are very reliable, while others are may just be wanting to sell you their newest version of snake oil. Since there is no regulation of what is said online, remember that blog articles are often made up and there is often no proof behind what are given as testimonials. Many are simply well written (or even not so well written) advertising copy.
In particular, beware of any sites that are offering an all natural cure for anything. If you want to try one of their cures, then at least try doing a bit of research outside of the website for what is being advertised. If all your research keeps bringing you back to the same products, then you will want to be careful. Remember, it is inexpensive and easy to set up a website. You might also try visiting your local health food store and speaking with the people there about the remedy. It may be available in another form for less money.
There are many free websites that give expert advice about diet and fitness. One of the handiest tools will calculate your BMI. This is an indicator of how many calories you can consume at your current activity level to maintain your present weight. If you want to lose weight, then you can increase activity and/or decrease the amount of food you are eating.
Here are a few sites in particular that may help you as you look for health related sites:
A great tool that helps to answer a lot of health related questions is Ask.MD. This is a specialty health search engine that only indexes medical and health materials, websites, blogs, news and other online resources. is a site that is devoted to blogs which are designed with the idea of a patient taking responsibility for his or her own health.
WebMD is also a popular site for health related information. They include information on many diseases, treatments and the latest news.
Do not let the research you are doing on the internet replace your doctor though. Remember that he is the expert, and not necessarily the websites that you read online. If you find information that you believe your doctor needs to know about your specific condition, be sure to print it out and take it on your next visit.