Health & Medical Anti Aging

What Kind of Face Wrinkle Fillers Are Effective?

Many anti-wrinkle treatments have been developed to improve different areas of the skin especially the face, hands and chest.
Our facial look is one of the most important things and although there are a vast amount of treatments many of those are invasive, risky and expensive, people are looking for alternative options like face wrinkle fillers and creams.
There are several dermal fillers approved by the FDA for cosmetic line filling such as Zyderm 1, Zyplast, Zyderm 2, Cosmoderm, Hylaform, Cosmoplast, Hylaform Plus, Captique, Juvederm, Perlane, ArteFill, Restylane and Radiesse.
But 2 wrinkle fillers developed and approved by the FDA for other kind of medical purposes are used as cosmetic line fillers: Silikon 1000 and Sculptra.
Injectable Short Lived Wrinkle Treatments First Generation of Wrinkle Fillers The results are instant but the problem with wrinkle fillers is that the results and short term and dont last long.
Collagen last for about 2 to 6 months and cost several hundred dollars, but if you dont like the results they will quickly disappear.
For example Bovine collagen injections require to take an allergy test a few weeks before the procedure.
Some of the collagen brands are Cosmoderm, Dermalogen, Cosmoplast and Cymetra.
Second Generation of Wrinkle Fillers Here the wrinkle fillers are animal derived hyaluronic acid, some of the brands are Hyalform, restylane, Juvederm and Captique.
Hyaluronic acid is a strong moisturizer which is found in the boys joints.
Its effects last for 6 to 12 months as a wrinkle filler and the treatment can cost up to thousand dollars.
There are other longer lasting fillers and permanent wrinkle fillers but if you want to go this route is better that you consult your dermatologist so he can make a complete evaluation of what you need.
Anti Wrinkle Creams that get rid of Wrinkles However you must be very careful of what wrinkle filler you choose, be aware of the risks and costs.
Some wrinkle fillers are made with alcohol and although you may cover up wrinkles for a short time, your skin will get dry because alcohol dehydrates the skin and therefore you will get more wrinkles.
The best option is to use something that is natural and will gradually reduce wrinkles, fine lines and imperfections from your skin without causing allergies, irritations and any other risky secondary effect.
Anti wrinkle creams made of natural ingredients with vitamins and anti oxidants are the safest option, by including ingredients such as CynergyTk you body will produce more collagen and elastin thus naturally reducing wrinkles.
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