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Keep tile clean to prevent grime buildup that causes odors.Jupiterimages/Photos.com/Getty Images
Fill a bucket with 1 gallon warm water and 1/2 cup ammonia. - 2). Put on rubber gloves to protect the skin on your hands from the drying effects of ammonia. Dip a clean cloth in the diluted ammonia solution. Wring out the excess moisture then wash the surface of the tile.
- 3). Rinse the tile with a damp cloth then wipe it dry.
- 4). Treat remaining odor in the tile with a baking soda and water poultice. Mix equal parts of baking soda and water to form a paste. Spread the paste over the tile with and allow it to dry. The poultice will draw out odor-causing substances while deodorizing the surface.
- 5). Lift the dried baking soda paste off the tile with a rubber spatula. Wipe the tile off with a damp cloth to clean it.
- 6). Spray the tile surface with disinfectant cleaner to treat any last traces of odor.