Health & Medical Nutrition

How Various Fibers Can Help Conquer Hunger & Improve Health

The worlds food supply is shrinking rapidly year on year, with little progress being made in third world countries that are afflicted by poverty and starvation.
There are even fears arising, that in a few decades there won't be enough food for people living in developed countries either.
One solution is to preserve more land for farming, but that clashes with an ever expanding population and will only delay the inevitable.
Another alternative, is to increase funding for food sciences so we can make the most of what we already have.
Natural food fiber companies are beginning to appear, offering healthier and cheaper alternatives to non-natural food additives that can provide the same, if not more benefits.
It is up to these companies to ensure the quality of the fiber is high and that it is cheap, they also need to make food manufacturers aware of the fact that natural fiber additives exist and are affordable.
The most important thing to any manufacturer is profit, quality of goods may certainly be close behind, but profit will always take precedence over everything else.
This is not something that should be considered bad or "evil", it is simply a fact of life which applies to the food industry as well.
Since this is a well known fact and second nature to anyone with a basic understanding of business, it can be used as an advantage.
Manufacturers and suppliers of natural food fibers can use this as motivation to perfect their processes and refinement methods to make their costs cheaper, and consequently making natural food fiber cheaper.
This of course makes the product more attractive to the food manufacturers, who will also be swayed by the fact that their food products could contain all natural fibers, which will be attractive to consumers and help boost sales.
The three types of natural fiber that can grant all the benefits manufacturers look for in additives are wheat fiber, bamboo fiber and cellulose fiber.
These fibers always originate from natural sources, they are often cheaper and give more benefits to foods using less variety than that which would be needed from other additives to achieve the same results.
The following list mentions just a few benefits from adding either wheat, bamboo or cellulose fiber to food products:
  • Increased volume - Breads can be fuller and more fluffy, in turn giving a better texture
  • Improved viscosity - Yogurts and creams are more creamier and thicker
  • Improved integrity - Breads, meats and a whole range of other foods hold together better during cooking
Adding these kinds of fibers not only boosts the quality of the food, they also add dietary fiber into the diets of consumers.
The condition of most peoples diets is beyond the scope of this article, but to say they are lacking would be an gross understatement in some cases.
Based on what was discussed in this article, it is clear that the global food problems of tomorrow can be solved by going to the very source of the issue today, and that food manufacturers should be better understood before they are criticized.
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