Insurance Auto Insurance & Registration

How to Save Money on Auto Insurance Easily

In this article today I'd like to discuss several tips, tricks, and tactics that just about everybody can use to substantially save money on your car insurance policy.
Times are tough for everybody.
With the recession that began towards the end of 2008 and has continued unabated only into 2010, many people are finding it harder and harder to make ends meet.
Luckily there are ways to save money by lowering your insurance policy for your car and that's what I'd like to talk about in this article today.
The first thing you should think about is the car you're about to buy.
Unfortunately this tip doesn't help you if you've already purchased the car, but if you're thinking about buying a new car didn't stop and think for a moment about the insurance policy.
Flashier cars cost more to insure because the insurance company knows that fancy cars are more likely to get stolen and they are also more likely to get into accidents because of speeding.
One strategy is to narrow your list of cars down to several different ones you may like to purchase and then call your insurance agent and ask for quotes on each car.
You may be surprised at the wide range of insurance costs that will vary between different cars and if you really don't care which of the few cars you end up purchasing, buying the one with the lowest insurance premium may make sense.
Another way to instantly reduce your premium by as much is 40% sometimes is by canceling the collision and comprehensive insurance part of your policy.
This may make sense if you own an older car that is six or seven years old because older cars don't have a whole lot of value if they are destroyed.
The value they do have upon destruction may not coincide with the added extra expense for the insurance premium that you will pay for collision and comprehensive insurance.
Next, consider not submitting small claims.
Many times when people get in slight fender bender's they rush out to file an insurance claim to have it paid for.
But doing so almost invariably increases your insurance policy premiums in the future.
It may make more sense for you to simply pay for the damages yourself without involving your insurance company because in doing so you may end up paying less than you will if you had reported the claim and then started paying higher premiums.
This is really just a numbers game and you need to sit down and do the math yourself.
For instance, does it make sense for you to pay a $500 repair bill today versus paying $2-300 a year more for insurance for the rest of your life? You be the judge.
So there you have several very simple tips, tricks, and techniques that just about anybody can use to save a little money on car insurance.
With the cost of everything shooting through the roof, it's nice to be able to lower costs on things that you have to own like insurance.
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