Business & Finance Small Business

Ten Secrets to Small Business Success - Schedule Personal and Family Time in Your Business Calendar

When you go into business for yourself, you begin to discover just how important time management will be to your success. Whether booking meetings with clients or just scheduling time to prepare payroll, businesses owners have very tight schedules. While it may be common sense that you will keep a calendar when you are in business, you may overlook family and personal time when scheduling your day, week, or month. This is a big mistake.

I wish someone had told me this in the beginning. Entrepreneurs by nature are people who are fast moving and quick to adjust to new trends. Unfortunately that makes them prime targets for neglecting what is truly important in their lives; time with those they love and time for themselves.

Too few entrepreneurs plan time with family, friends and for themselves all the while scheduling each and every day full of business opportunities. Don't fall into this trap. Blot out times each and every day for family and friends. Find a time each day that can be yours and yours alone. And be certain to schedule vacation time at least twice a year to escape the every day monotony and recharge your batteries.

Most entrepreneurs love the business they are in and love doing what they do so much that it becomes an obsession. You are not your business. Your business may play a major role in the person you become but you must resist the temptation to become your business. It is important to remember that a large majority of small businesses do not succeed. Those entrepreneurs who get lost in their business are less likely to make intelligent, hard decisions that may be necessary and easier for someone who is not so emotionally involved.

Taking personal and family time provides added benefits to your business. Entrepreneurs who schedule time for themselves and their families find that they are more productive and sharper each day. This leads to better business decisions and an increased bottom line.

The purpose of a business is to bring you more life. You deserve to enjoy the fruits of your labor outside your business. And your family and friends want to be with you, not your business. Schedule time for the most important things each day. Your business will grow, you will grow, and your family and friends will appreciate you more.
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