- 1). Look in the bottom door track, and locate the pivot socket. This socket is located on the side of the door frame that remains stationary and looks like a metal hole.
- 2). Locate the pivot point on the bottom of the door, and place it into the pivot socket. The pivot point is a small plastic or wooden projection that is similar to a dowel.
- 3). Lean the door into an upright position, and locate the the pivot socket on the upper door track. You may need to use a step stool to locate the socket.
- 4). Use your finger or a flat-head screwdriver to hold down the spring-loaded pivot point on the top of the door. Lean the door until the pivot point is located inside the upper pivot socket. Remove your finger or the screwdriver blade to release the pivot point into the socket.
- 5). Place the upper wheel sliding guide into the upper track by pushing down on the wheel until it snaps into the track.
- 6). Place the lower wheel sliding guide into the lower track by pushing up on the wheel until it snaps into the track.