One of many important advantages of setting up Outlook synchronization using the Easy-Email solution is that you're able to always access your email, in spite of your location or whether you have your laptop along with you or not.
Assuming you have already used the Easy-Email setup to synchronize outlook using Gmail as the hub (see previous articles), you can now access your Outlook email from any of your own computers.
But it also means that you can now access your email from Gmail should you choose to.
I'm not trying to get you to switch to Gmail, if you like Outlook then stay with Outlook for your daily use.
Gmail can just act as a concealed sync server, or synchronization hub, and work away in the background.
However it does offer you with the option of using another computer so you can email anywhere.
Here are some potential cases when you would want to use Gmail to access your Outlook email: •You want to travel and not carry a laptop or netbook - log in to Gmail at the airport, at the hotel or at an internet cafe and you can access all your emails and organize all your emails.
Whatever you do on Gmail is going to be in the correct folders any time you return to your personal computer and Outlook •You would like to access your email from an iPhone or BlackBerry or another mobile device - whilst there are specific applications you can use to sync different mobile devices with Outlook, using Gmail is often the simplest and cheapest solution! •You've carried your laptop to foreign parts or foreign offices or friends' houses and you can't get the wifi to work on your computer.
Gmail is a fantastic fallback - you can access your email from any computer that has internet access •You carry a netbook so that you can work on your email while travelling but once you get there you got the option of using a big screen and a good keyboard and mouse.
Work away in comfort on Gmail on the proper computer and it will all be there on your netbook when you move on again.
(I don't know about you but I find netbook keyboards very difficult to type on and I have small fingers!) So managing Outlook from Gmail is not the goal in itself, that was to be able to synchronize outlook on multiple computers.
But I think from the above you'll see that having the Gmail backup can be a lifesaver.
Imagine if your laptop got lost or was stolen while travelling! When I think back to when I had a "non Easy-Email" setup, I don't know how I did it.
Yesterday I worked from the Montpellier office and forgot my charger.
So I just logged in to Gmail and had all my email accessible.
Assuming you have already used the Easy-Email setup to synchronize outlook using Gmail as the hub (see previous articles), you can now access your Outlook email from any of your own computers.
But it also means that you can now access your email from Gmail should you choose to.
I'm not trying to get you to switch to Gmail, if you like Outlook then stay with Outlook for your daily use.
Gmail can just act as a concealed sync server, or synchronization hub, and work away in the background.
However it does offer you with the option of using another computer so you can email anywhere.
Here are some potential cases when you would want to use Gmail to access your Outlook email: •You want to travel and not carry a laptop or netbook - log in to Gmail at the airport, at the hotel or at an internet cafe and you can access all your emails and organize all your emails.
Whatever you do on Gmail is going to be in the correct folders any time you return to your personal computer and Outlook •You would like to access your email from an iPhone or BlackBerry or another mobile device - whilst there are specific applications you can use to sync different mobile devices with Outlook, using Gmail is often the simplest and cheapest solution! •You've carried your laptop to foreign parts or foreign offices or friends' houses and you can't get the wifi to work on your computer.
Gmail is a fantastic fallback - you can access your email from any computer that has internet access •You carry a netbook so that you can work on your email while travelling but once you get there you got the option of using a big screen and a good keyboard and mouse.
Work away in comfort on Gmail on the proper computer and it will all be there on your netbook when you move on again.
(I don't know about you but I find netbook keyboards very difficult to type on and I have small fingers!) So managing Outlook from Gmail is not the goal in itself, that was to be able to synchronize outlook on multiple computers.
But I think from the above you'll see that having the Gmail backup can be a lifesaver.
Imagine if your laptop got lost or was stolen while travelling! When I think back to when I had a "non Easy-Email" setup, I don't know how I did it.
Yesterday I worked from the Montpellier office and forgot my charger.
So I just logged in to Gmail and had all my email accessible.