- All exit signs must be illuminated.exit image by Joseph Pierce from Fotolia.com
Lighted exit signs inform occupants of the fastest way to exit buildings in the event of a fire, earthquake or other emergency situation. Most individuals will look for the exit signs, unless they know the building well. Because exit signs are most often used at times when a quick exit is necessary, exit signs are required to point to safety in all occupied buildings. Learn the requirements that dictate the use of lighted exit signs. - Exit signs are required to be located in a place where it is easily seen. It must be large enough to be readily seen with a distinctive color and design that is easily located and recognized. The letters must be no smaller than 6 inches tall by 2 inches wide. The distance between the letters must be 3/8 inch or more.
The color of the sign must be in contrast with the surrounding area, including decorations, wall finish and any other sign located in the area. The view of the lighted exit signs must not be obstructed by any other signs or decorations. No other signs that would interfere with the job of the exit sign are allowed in the area around the exit sign.
The sign should have a five-foot-candles or more illumination for both internally and externally illuminated signs. - All exit signs must be illuminated by two bulbs; either bulb should be able to light the sign to meet regulations. The signs must be wired into an emergency standby power source. The two manners of illumination are internal and adjacent illumination. Exit signs can be illuminated by incandescent or fluorescent bulbs; however, many signs are electroluminescent or self-luminous. Self-luminous signs must be used when electrical wiring installation is difficult.
When the exit sign does not have an internal light source, it must be illuminated by an adjacent light source. The light source must be continuously lit and must have an emergency or backup power source. - All exit signs must be recognized as an exit sign that is in good working condition. Neither light bulb should be burnt out. The sign's lettering must be distinct. The exit signs must point in the direction of the actual exit.
- Any area of a building that appears to be an exit, but is not, must be clearly labeled with a "No Exit" sign. This includes areas, such as stairwells, doorways and passages, that do not lead to an exit.
Exit Sign Visibility
Exit Sign Condition
"No Exit" Signs