Health & Medical Diabetes

Type 2 Diabetes - How to Stabilize Your Blood Sugar Levels!

Sufferers of type 2 diabetes at times walk a fine line between hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia simply because their bodies cannot process blood sugars as effectively and efficiently as non-diabetics.
  However, don't despair about this because stable blood sugar levels can be achieved although, it must be emphasized, it will still be relatively higher when compared with non-diabetic levels.
Thus, you must consult with your health care provider to determine the target blood glucose range appropriate for you.
  Three of the most basic steps to help you include: 1With the aid of your personal glucose meter, regular blood sugar level testing at times agreed with your health care provider, will help you determine the pattern with which your levels rise and fall.
  Of course your activities, foods consumed and time of day will make a difference.
  Don't forget issues like stress, depression, pain, poor mobility and illness come into play as well.
When you have determined your personal pattern your diabetes management plans will be easier to customize to your needs.
  In other words, you can then make the necessary changes to your lifestyle to stabilize your blood sugars.
  2Various conditions, like type 2 diabetes, send you warning signals when something is not quite right.
  You must learn to listen to your "body talk" ...
your body will always show you but you must be aware of the symptoms of high or low blood sugars.
   For examples an unquenchable thirst, frequent urination and extreme tiredness are all signs your levels are high.
  If you are taking insulin and maybe missed a meal, you would have signs of a "hypo" and they could include pale sweaty skin, palpitations, confusion, slurred speech or maybe a headache.
Once you know your signs and symptoms take immediate action, i.
monitor your blood sugar levels, inject insulin, take glucose tablets, and/or eat food.
  Don't wait for your symptoms to go away as your capacity to remedy the situation may fade quickly.
  3:   Even when you give your type 2 diabetes your full attention, blood sugar levels can be unpredictable.
  So it is really important for you to know the level you should be aiming for.
  Most people who have diabetes should aim for:
  • an HbA1c of less than 7 per cent
  • a pre-meal blood glucose level of 4 to 6mmol/l (72 to 108 mg/dl) or 3.
    5 to 6mmol/l (63 to 108 mg/dl) if you are not taking insulin or diabetic medications
  • a level of 4 to 8 mmol/l (72 to 144 mg/dl) measured two hours following your meal.
Don't forget to share with your family and friends the steps you would like them to take if you are unable to help yourself.
  Post your health care provider's telephone number in conspicuous places so they can contact him when emergency situations occur.
By keeping your blood sugar levels in a healthy range you can slash your risk of developing complications and live a long and healthy life even with type 2 diabetes.
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