Joining a multilevel marketing company can change your life and help you actualize your dreams. However, with the number of companies open to prospective distributors or representatives, one must have to take a good look before walking in. One of such MLM companies is the XB-Fit company. And we are going to x-ray this company to see whether opportunity lies there or if it is another timed- bomb waiting to explode.
XB-Fit company began operations in Florida State, in the year 2009. Joe Greco, who happened to be the president at the start, had put in 15 years into corporate America. Also, the company has other experienced leadership personnel like Nick Bello, who is the Success coach of the company. Nick has been a major player in the MLM industry for over 13 years and still counting. The good news is that with such caliber of men at the helm of affairs, there is every need to think that the company will remain in good stead no matter the challenges.
XB-Fit multilevel marketing company deals on energy drinks. They run their company sales through the help of their representatives. Their energy drink contains nourishing ingredients like vitamins and minerals. There is also the presence of Aloe Vera in their drink. They also market two other products called XB-Fit lean system and XB-Fit nutritional supplement,
Becoming a distributor to XB-Fit products depends on which level among the three they have you want to land on. The lowest level involves you paying just $65; the middle level is $170, while the highest is $315. And the bonuses and commissions are not the same either.
The compensation plan for XB-Fit company is simple to comprehend, but are structured as most other MLM companies are with a total ten possible areas of compensation. The first is that you can get commissions based on paid retail. You can also get the fast start bonus when someone registers through you. There is also the stock profit sharing, check matching bonuses, binary commissions and the coding bonus which is available for those who register with at least $170. There is also the mega bonus pool, leadership bonus pool, cedes club and the rank advancement bonus. Now, can one actually make money with this program?
Well, as I have tried to make clear as an unbiased reviewer who is not subscribed to the company's program, since XB-Fit Company looks really strong in the area of leadership, I bet it is possible to make good money with the company. A good leadership team will always make sure things keep running smoothly.
I understand you may be considering calling family and friends to join your list down-liners. However, this formula pays really minimal and could be frustrating after a while. The answer to getting enough leads and converting same is through attraction marketing. With attraction marketing clients look for you other than you poking and spamming. If you apply attraction marketing to XB-Fit program, you will certainly tell the difference before long.
XB-Fit company began operations in Florida State, in the year 2009. Joe Greco, who happened to be the president at the start, had put in 15 years into corporate America. Also, the company has other experienced leadership personnel like Nick Bello, who is the Success coach of the company. Nick has been a major player in the MLM industry for over 13 years and still counting. The good news is that with such caliber of men at the helm of affairs, there is every need to think that the company will remain in good stead no matter the challenges.
XB-Fit multilevel marketing company deals on energy drinks. They run their company sales through the help of their representatives. Their energy drink contains nourishing ingredients like vitamins and minerals. There is also the presence of Aloe Vera in their drink. They also market two other products called XB-Fit lean system and XB-Fit nutritional supplement,
Becoming a distributor to XB-Fit products depends on which level among the three they have you want to land on. The lowest level involves you paying just $65; the middle level is $170, while the highest is $315. And the bonuses and commissions are not the same either.
The compensation plan for XB-Fit company is simple to comprehend, but are structured as most other MLM companies are with a total ten possible areas of compensation. The first is that you can get commissions based on paid retail. You can also get the fast start bonus when someone registers through you. There is also the stock profit sharing, check matching bonuses, binary commissions and the coding bonus which is available for those who register with at least $170. There is also the mega bonus pool, leadership bonus pool, cedes club and the rank advancement bonus. Now, can one actually make money with this program?
Well, as I have tried to make clear as an unbiased reviewer who is not subscribed to the company's program, since XB-Fit Company looks really strong in the area of leadership, I bet it is possible to make good money with the company. A good leadership team will always make sure things keep running smoothly.
I understand you may be considering calling family and friends to join your list down-liners. However, this formula pays really minimal and could be frustrating after a while. The answer to getting enough leads and converting same is through attraction marketing. With attraction marketing clients look for you other than you poking and spamming. If you apply attraction marketing to XB-Fit program, you will certainly tell the difference before long.