Insurance Auto Insurance & Registration

Why Your Vehicle Matters When it Comes to Car Insurance

When shopping for a car most people are more concerned about the aesthetics then the cost of car insurance.
People peruse new and used car lots looking for a car with the right name, perfect color, certain type of engine and sleek exterior.
But before you go purchasing the sleekest car on the lot it should be mentioned that your vehicle plays a part in your insurance rates.
Considering the cost of insurance for a particular car before purchase can save money in the long run.
Certain cars are more expensive to insure because they are more expensive to make, maintain and repair.
Luxury cars offer quite a few conveniences while driving and also give the driver the bragging rights of owning such luxury.
However, luxury cars are expensive to make as detailed by their price tags, and in turn are expensive to maintain and repair.
Fixing body damage on a luxury car can cost hundreds to thousands of dollars.
If you don't want your insurance rates to go up you may have to foot the bill out of pocket.
Before purchasing an expensive vehicle determine if the benefits of owning this particular type of car outweigh the negatives of paying more to repair and insure it each month.
Making this decision beforehand will save lots of money on car insurance.
Likewise, you should also beware of the type and the color vehicle you choose as it affects the cost of car insurance.
Although, the sporty cars are much sought after for their look, they also cost more to insure.
Any car that has a higher chance of getting into an accident and costing the insurance company money will have a higher insurance premium.
It may be in your best interest to choose a car that is more conventional if you are looking to save on the cost of insurance.
Furthermore, the color of a car also plays a part in insurance costs.
If possible try to purchase cars that are colored lightly such as silver and white.
Some believe that light colored cars are involved in fewer accidents because they are easy to see.
If possible also avoid the color red.
Many believe that red cars have higher insurance rates simply because the color red stands for fast moving vehicle similar to a fire engine! Avoid choosing cars that have certain traits and you will definitely lower your car insurance rates.
Consider purchasing a car with anti-theft and safety mechanisms or purchase your own.
Anti-theft mechanisms such as car alarms keep vehicles from being stolen and protect insurance companies from claims.
If your car is an older model and does not come with an alarm it may be very advantageous to have an alarm installed or to use an anti-theft device on your car to help lower your insurance rates.
In addition, purchasing cars with airbags, automatic seatbelts, four wheel drive and anti-lock brakes also help to reduce your insurance costs because your vehicle has mechanisms to prevent severe damage to you, others and the car.
Learning to consider the costs, and whether it means you can't get dirt cheap auto insurance before purchasing a car, will enable youto make an economically sound car buying decision.
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