When planning your holiday abroad it is often a popular choice to hire a vehicle from the country you are travelling in so you get to see the country and sights independently from buses, taxis and any organised trips.
The benefit of hiring a car is you get to plan your itinerary exactly to suit yourself and can enjoy your holiday at your own pace.
When you chose to hire a car in the UK, Ireland, Europe, Africa, New Zealand, Australia and most of the Middle and Far East there is always an excess (also referred to as Super CDW, Non Waiver or Deductible), which means in the event of a collision, theft or damage to the hired car you will be required to pay the first portion of the cost.
Whilst this isn't a surprise to any UK car owner who will have their own excess to pay on their regular car insurance, a hire car can end up costing anything up to £2000 in excess depending on which country you hire from.
A cost, which is often hidden and to most is considerably more than they would ever be comfortable paying.
Car Hire Excess insurance policies generally cover adults between the ages of 21 to 84 years old and can be from as little as £1.
99 a day.
This daily cost will, in the event of a problem, cover any excess your car hire insurer may charge you which is a substantially smaller amount than the possibility of a £2000 bill.
Car Hire Excess Insurance can also cover Baggage Cover, Windscreen/Glass, Tyres, Wheels, Roof and undercarriage, personal possessions and key cover.
Different packages are often available and generally speaking the more hiring you do abroad the better the rates offered.
For example, if you take regular trips abroad for either work or leisure and hire a car with each trip then it may be worth considering taking out an Annual Policy, some packages are available for as little as £39.
99 a year.
These policies work on a pay and reclaim basis, you pay the excess to the car hire company initially and then the Car Hire Excess Company will reimburse any amount paid by you back to you.
The benefit of hiring a car is you get to plan your itinerary exactly to suit yourself and can enjoy your holiday at your own pace.
When you chose to hire a car in the UK, Ireland, Europe, Africa, New Zealand, Australia and most of the Middle and Far East there is always an excess (also referred to as Super CDW, Non Waiver or Deductible), which means in the event of a collision, theft or damage to the hired car you will be required to pay the first portion of the cost.
Whilst this isn't a surprise to any UK car owner who will have their own excess to pay on their regular car insurance, a hire car can end up costing anything up to £2000 in excess depending on which country you hire from.
A cost, which is often hidden and to most is considerably more than they would ever be comfortable paying.
Car Hire Excess insurance policies generally cover adults between the ages of 21 to 84 years old and can be from as little as £1.
99 a day.
This daily cost will, in the event of a problem, cover any excess your car hire insurer may charge you which is a substantially smaller amount than the possibility of a £2000 bill.
Car Hire Excess Insurance can also cover Baggage Cover, Windscreen/Glass, Tyres, Wheels, Roof and undercarriage, personal possessions and key cover.
Different packages are often available and generally speaking the more hiring you do abroad the better the rates offered.
For example, if you take regular trips abroad for either work or leisure and hire a car with each trip then it may be worth considering taking out an Annual Policy, some packages are available for as little as £39.
99 a year.
These policies work on a pay and reclaim basis, you pay the excess to the car hire company initially and then the Car Hire Excess Company will reimburse any amount paid by you back to you.