Health & Medical Anti Aging

Top Wrinkle Creams Ingredients You Didn"t Know

Wrinkle and fine lines is expected when we are aging.
These two skin problems begin to form the moment our system decreases the production of collagen and elastin due to aging.
We basically worry the moment we see wrinkles and fine lines, because it cements the fact that we are indeed getting older and there is no turning back.
However, wrinkles and fine lines may not only be due to aging.
Even when we are still in our twenties we can still acquire wrinkles and fine lines.
This problem is called premature aging, this is the result of too much exposure to free radicals such as dirt, dust, smoke and ultra violet rays of the sun.
These free radicals damage the skin by penetrating all seven layers of the skin up to where collagen and elastin is found.
Some also damages the skin by blocking the pores of our skin.
There are also free radicals from the food we eat.
Fatty and oily foods are considered as free radicals.
It is not prohibited to eat fatty and oily foods because somehow our body needed moderate amount of fats.
However, excessive eating of fatty and oily foods may cause skin disorders.
The oil from these foods damages the normal flow of our lymphatic vessels.
Lymphatic vessels are the ones flushing out the toxins from our body.
When the flow is inadequate, these toxins block the pores and eventually will lead to pimples, blackheads or worse wrinkles.
Today, there are available remedies for wrinkles.
The most common skin care product for wrinkles is the anti wrinkle cream.
Most of these products assure users guaranteed results.
However, how will we able to know if it really guarantees good results? Anti wrinkle creams will give out good results if the ingredients which composed it are natural and effective.
Top wrinkle creams ingredients are:
  • Cynergy TK - This is a new breakthrough in skin care industry.
    This is a collagen stimulant which aids the rejuvenation of skin.
    Aside from being a collagen stimulant, Cynergy TK is a good anti oxidant warding off free radicals.
  • Coenzyme Q10 - Coenzyme Q10 or commonly known CoQ10 is one of the most known collagen stimulant.
    This ingredient is commonly added to almost all skin care products.
  • Vitamin C - This is the best anti oxidant that there is and also a collagen stimulant.
Wrinkle creams effectiveness is basically based on the ingredients it is composed of.
With these ingredients a guaranteed satisfactory result is achievable.
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