- 1). Take 1 part vinegar and 2 parts water to make a vinegar soak. Soak your hands or feet for an hour each week or once a day depending on how bad the nail fungus is. You can also take a cotton swab or ball and soak it with vinegar and apply it to the toenails or fingernails after you take a shower or bath. It doesn't matter what kind of vinegar you use but white vinegar is cheaper.
- 2). Put about 1 inch of cornmeal into a shallow baking pan and add enough hot water to dissolve it. Let stand for at least an hour to cool down and then soak your feet or hands for an hour. There is no scientific reason for this to work but some people who have tried this say it has gotten rid of their nail fungus.
- 3). Use Vitamin E oil to soak your fingers or toes. Those who have tried this remedy say it is a simple yet very effective way to treat nail fungus.
- 4). Use a Listerine and vinegar soak or just plain Listerine to treat nail fungus. For the Listerine and vinegar soak you will need half Listerine and half vinegar. Just soak your hands or feet in this mixture. For the plain Listerine remedy, either soak your feet in it or apply it to the infected fingernails or toenails with a cotton ball. Either way it is an inexpensive remedy that works.
- 5). Apply Vick's Vapo Rub to the infected nails once a day. Apply it after a bath or shower seems to work better. The main ingredients in Vick's Vapo Rub seems to be what gets rid of fungus so well.
- 6). Apply tea tree oil to the infected nails daily until the fungus is completely gone. You can find tea tree oil in drug stores or on the Internet.
- 7). Put a drop of oregano oil in between the infected nail and the skin every day until the nail fungus is gone. This is a slow going process but has worked for several people.