Nail biting is a terrible habit that not only makes your fingers unsightly, but is also unclean.
While chewing your nails, you allow the bacteria and germs present in your nails to enter your mouth.
It also results in bleeding around the nails, damaged nails, pain and infection.
To stop biting your nails, first identify the root cause for the nail picking.
It is usually an indication of an oral fixation i.
either you are stressed out or recently gave up smoking.
The foremost must is strong will power.
Next, keep the nails short by filing them and also trim the cuticles.
By doing so, there will be less available to nibble on.
A manicure may also prevent you to stop biting your nails.
You might think about the money and time you spend at the beauty salon for these beautiful nails and discontinue this habit.
You would also not want to ruin the beautiful polished nails and hence, refrain from biting them.
Manage to get a bitter taste solution that is also edible, or even a bitter nail polish.
Apply this on the skin surrounding the nail, cuticle and on the nails.
This would make you think twice before chewing your nails.
Habanero pepper, soap or any other bitter substance would help you stop biting your nails.
Apply them on your hands frequently throughout the day.
Ask your friends and family members to stop you whenever they catch you picking you nails.
Include magnesium and calcium rich food in your diet.
It would help if you take additional calcium supplements as this makes your nails stronger and assists in their faster growth.
Keeping yourself distracted and your hands busy would help a great deal.
Indulge yourself in drawing, knitting or gardening so that your hands never reach your mouth.
Also, you can eat chewing gum or carrot sticks instead of eating nails.
For severe cases, multiple hypnosis sessions with your hypnotherapist can be fruitful.
So next time you think of biting you nails, tell yourself you could also have beautiful nails like Angelina Jolie and stop biting your nails.
While chewing your nails, you allow the bacteria and germs present in your nails to enter your mouth.
It also results in bleeding around the nails, damaged nails, pain and infection.
To stop biting your nails, first identify the root cause for the nail picking.
It is usually an indication of an oral fixation i.
either you are stressed out or recently gave up smoking.
The foremost must is strong will power.
Next, keep the nails short by filing them and also trim the cuticles.
By doing so, there will be less available to nibble on.
A manicure may also prevent you to stop biting your nails.
You might think about the money and time you spend at the beauty salon for these beautiful nails and discontinue this habit.
You would also not want to ruin the beautiful polished nails and hence, refrain from biting them.
Manage to get a bitter taste solution that is also edible, or even a bitter nail polish.
Apply this on the skin surrounding the nail, cuticle and on the nails.
This would make you think twice before chewing your nails.
Habanero pepper, soap or any other bitter substance would help you stop biting your nails.
Apply them on your hands frequently throughout the day.
Ask your friends and family members to stop you whenever they catch you picking you nails.
Include magnesium and calcium rich food in your diet.
It would help if you take additional calcium supplements as this makes your nails stronger and assists in their faster growth.
Keeping yourself distracted and your hands busy would help a great deal.
Indulge yourself in drawing, knitting or gardening so that your hands never reach your mouth.
Also, you can eat chewing gum or carrot sticks instead of eating nails.
For severe cases, multiple hypnosis sessions with your hypnotherapist can be fruitful.
So next time you think of biting you nails, tell yourself you could also have beautiful nails like Angelina Jolie and stop biting your nails.