Health & Medical Allergies & Asthma

Lighten Your Child's Allergy Load

Lighten Your Child's Allergy Load Coughing, sneezing, itching, wheezing -- kids with allergies face a lot of miserable symptoms. And, your child's triggers may change over time. Sudden weather changes also can make symptoms flare.

Learn what triggers your child's allergies now, at least, and get serious about avoiding them. These tips can help you improve your child's breathing and quality of life.

Learn Your Child's Allergy Triggers

Write down what causes your child's symptoms:
  • Dust
  • Pollen
  • Mold, mildew
  • Tobacco, wood smoke
  • Pet dander
  • Chemical fumes, aerosols, fresh paint, perfume, scented products
  • Weather fronts, wind, cold, or humid air
  • Cockroach droppings

Wipe Out Dust Mites

Dust mites thrive on house dust -- and their droppings are the most common trigger of year-round allergies. If your child has symptoms:
  • Keep his bedroom bare: no rugs, carpets, or heavy drapes. Trade carpets for vinyl or hardwoods. Change curtains for shades or easy-wipe shutters.
  • Move most books, toys, stuffed animals to another room.
  • Use air-conditioning to dehumidify the air and filter out pollen and allergen-producing materials.
  • Professionally clean household air ducts.
  • Dust at least once a week, more if possible.
  • Vacuum using bags that don't allow dust to escape or a HEPA (high efficiency particulate air) filter.
  • Get rid of fuzzy or woolen blankets and down comforters.
  • Wash your child's bed linens in hot water at least weekly and dry bedding in a hot dryer.
  • Keep your house cool (less than 70 F) and dry (less than 50% relative humidity). This reduces dust mites, as well as cockroaches and mold.
  • Use cheesecloth as a filter over incoming air vents, especially in your child's bedroom.
  • If possible, don't keep your child's clothing in his bedroom.

Avoid High Pollen Periods

If your child is allergic to pollen:
  • Learn when her outdoor trigger (ragweed or other weeds, grasses, or trees) is in bloom. Her doctor or a web site will have pollen counts.
  • Keep her indoors when pollen is high and close the windows to keep allergens out.

You may also want to:
  • Run a HEPA room air cleaner in her bedroom.
  • Limit cats and dogs from going in and out, even if your child is not allergic to them. Pet fur collects pollen and other allergens.

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