Society & Culture & Entertainment Photography

Laws of Psychic Phenomena


    • The word psychic can be better understood by defining its root. Psychic is derived from the word "psyche," defined by Webster's dictionary as the soul, spirit or mind. Psychic phenomena, in turn, may be thought of as events or experiences that take place in the soul, mind or spirit. Parapsychology is a field of study that specializes in understanding and explaining events that happen outside the realms of scientific explanation. As parapsychology is still a field of inquiry, much remains unexplained, however, the laws of psychic phenomena may point to the fundamental principles that define matter and energy.


    • Energy is a force present in both the physical world and in the world of psychic events. The laws that pertain to psychic phenomena involve the same energies at work within the realm of scientific explanation. An example of this would be a person's thinking processes. Mental thought, though intangible, is recognized as a real event in spite of the lack of scientific, observable proof. Unexplainable events that involve extrasensory perception may work along the same lines as an ordinary mental thought in terms of the type of energy used.

    Law of Vibration

    • The law of vibration refers to the energy vibrations that are contained inside solid matter and psychic phenomena. The field of quantum physics defines this law in terms of how waves and particles are one in the same. The slower a wave moves, the more it tends to solidify, whereas fast-moving waves remain in an energy state. In terms of psychic phenomena, these energy vibrations can move into the material world, or out into the world of intangible energy.

    Law of Cause and Effect

    • The law of cause and effect is based on the premise that every action leads to a corresponding effect. The nature of energy is to affect change, as it's a moving force. In terms of psychic phenomena, this principle relates to how energy sent out--in the form of thoughts or actions--will affect, or return to the sender. The returning energy will affect the sender in the same way as it was sent. An example of this might be when a person is in love. A person projects this emotion towards another person, yet feels the effects of sending this emotion out.

    Law of Creation

    • The law of creation involves how energy can be developed to the point where it materializes in the physical world. Thoughts are viewed as energy forms that can be directed by a person's will and intention. Quantum theory principles illustrate this law in its description of how a wave form turns into a particle when it's being observed. The act of observation forces the wave to assume a position in space. In terms of psychic phenomena, the act of concentration on a thought, or desire corresponds to the act of observing a wave form.

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