Health & Medical Skin Conditions & Dermatology

#1 Gross Thing Drinking Water Filters Eliminate From Your Tap Water

Be honest---are you one of those people NOT using drinking water filters? I was that person in my social circle for a long time. Every time I would have a get-together at my house, I would hear about it. Seriously, some of my friends wouldn't drink the water out of my tap. After this happened a few times, I decided to do some research on my own, see if tap water really has bad as they were telling me.

It didn't take much searching to find loads of studies on tap water.

One study in stood out; it was conducted by the Ralph Nader Research Institute. You might now Mr. Nader as the guy who ran for president in 2000, and I think, in 2004 too. Anyway, when he's not dabbling in politics, he's a major consumer rights activist.

The Ralph Nader Study Group, after carefully reviewing over 10,000 government documents on water contamination, concluded that "US drinking water contains over 2,000 cancer-causing chemicals".

Reading that floored me at the time. 2000? Cancer? Yeah, my tap water tasted a little chlorine-y, but I didn't think drinking it would kill me. What a later learned, in water purification jargon, chlorine is classified as a synthetic organic chemical (SOC). Low-level traces of SOCs are found in every drinking supply worldwide.

Water treatment plants don't remove SOCs from our water. Since 1950, surprisingly little progress has been made in how water is cleaned at public water facilities. Only visible particles get filtered out and bleach is added. What about microscopic traces of SOCs? They go unfiltered, it seems.

That means SOCs like pesticides and herbicides were in my tap water. No wonder my neighbors who use water filters made faces when they sipped my water. After drinking truly clean water, mine probably tasted like metal.

After just a few hours of reading about the crap in tap water, I was convinced that I needed to start using a water filter. It was hard to admit that I had been wrong. After all, I had joked that water filters were a scam and a waste of money. I still haven't lived down saying that.

But, at least, now I'm drinking pure water.

There are a lot of different drinking water filters on the market. At my website, I only discuss the drinking water filters that take all those SOCs out of your tap water. Don't be stubborn for years like I was; listen to the people in your life who gladly spend money to purify their water. They already know how much better purified water tastes.

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