Business & Finance Finance

Payout Policy & Capital Structure

    Payout Policy

    • A company's payout policy discusses the way the business wants to use its excess cash, principally the percentage of revenue to allocate to dividends. For example, if a company reaps a net profit of $1 million at year-end and top leadership consents to pay aggregate dividends of $250,000, the payout is 25 percent, or $250,000 divided by $1 million times 100. Investors may shun an organization's fundraising efforts if the business is awash in cash, but carries a payout rate lower than what operationally similar companies offer. Financiers may leave the company's bandwagon not necessarily from any animus toward top leadership, but to seize other opportunities -- domestically and overseas -- in an economy that becomes more global by the day.

    Capital Structure

    • Capital structure refers to the various funding methods a company uses to operate, as well as the respective percentages of financing products. For example, the balance sheet of a publicly traded business shows the following data: short-term debts, $1 million; long-term liabilities, including bonds payable, $500,000; common stock, $1 million; and retained earnings, $2.5 million. Consequently, the company's total capital balance amounts to $5 million, or $1 million plus $500,000 plus $1 million plus $2.5 million. The company's respective capital structure shows: 20 percent ($1 million divided by $5 million times 100), 10 percent, 20 percent and 50 percent. The percentage calculation for other capital components follows the same pattern as the one used for short-term debts.


    • A company's capital structure interrelates with its payout policy, because both concepts help senior executives run a tight ship, compensate shareholders fairly and insulate the organization from a bad economy -- or, at least, from its pernicious effects, such as a slump in demand, challenging credit conditions and customer exodus. These concepts also share a mathematical proximity, because an increase in dividend payments lowers the retained earnings balance -- which is a capital structure component.

    Staff Contribution

    • Business fundraising initiatives require the steadfast contribution of various personnel, including corporate treasurers, investment analysts and accountants. Financial managers also work in tandem with investment bankers to help a company raise funds in securities markets, such as the London Stock Exchange, or through private conduits.

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