Insurance began about the same time as human society and their need to handle disasters. In the more modern world where money exchanges hands risk management presented a situation where merchants had to have assurance against loss. The result was the creation of varied policies, each serving their own purposes and exclusions. Some are for short term events and others are in effect for extended periods of time. Similar to finance loans they provide a specific solution.
Automobile; is what you purchase when you buy a new vehicle worth many thousands of dollars. You are probably going to want to take out a policy known as "Full Coverage". If you borrow money to buy the automobile the lending institution will require you to carry Collision.
Mortgages are another condition where you are required to carry protection against loss. Homeowners are required to have coverage against fire, theft, accidents (yours, any guests or trespassers) and vandalism. At least one of the named insureds must actually live in the dwelling. Premiums are based on how much it will cost to replace the structures and any content or personal property.
Umbrella Insurance is simply an extended liability policy that takes up where your automobile and homeowners liability leaves off. If you have a high amount of total assets this coverage could be worth everything to you because it will step in and cover you against excesses of liability above and beyond normal expectations, up to the maximum amount of coverage stated in the policy. This could be the most important premium you ever pay.
Life Insurance is so much more than just paying a large sum of money to your beneficiaries. It is one of the most important tools for risk management and old age planning that you can have. Your Net Worth is at risk and placing certain matters into well structured policies can earn you better returns than any savings account while offering you coverage against particular unknowns. Find a very experienced agent and CPA to help you determine what kind of investments you need to make and how to set them up with the proper type of coverage.
General Liability policies cover special events which are of two durations: short term of 10 days or less such as weddings and fund raisers, and those that are more than 10 days in length typically two week festivals or seminars. You receive a Certificate of Insurance that should include the facility as an insured just to transfer some of the risk of liability of lawsuit back onto the owner of the property. These are short term policies that expire at the conclusion of the event and the price is determined by the amount of risk involved.
When providing for your insurance needs be sure to choose a reputable and reliable company along with a trusted agent who has many years of experience. You will need excellent advice in determining what coverage best suits you, your family and any special events you might hold. Should anything go wrong in your life or plans, insurance is there to alleviate the risk and protect you from financial ruin.
Automobile; is what you purchase when you buy a new vehicle worth many thousands of dollars. You are probably going to want to take out a policy known as "Full Coverage". If you borrow money to buy the automobile the lending institution will require you to carry Collision.
Mortgages are another condition where you are required to carry protection against loss. Homeowners are required to have coverage against fire, theft, accidents (yours, any guests or trespassers) and vandalism. At least one of the named insureds must actually live in the dwelling. Premiums are based on how much it will cost to replace the structures and any content or personal property.
Umbrella Insurance is simply an extended liability policy that takes up where your automobile and homeowners liability leaves off. If you have a high amount of total assets this coverage could be worth everything to you because it will step in and cover you against excesses of liability above and beyond normal expectations, up to the maximum amount of coverage stated in the policy. This could be the most important premium you ever pay.
Life Insurance is so much more than just paying a large sum of money to your beneficiaries. It is one of the most important tools for risk management and old age planning that you can have. Your Net Worth is at risk and placing certain matters into well structured policies can earn you better returns than any savings account while offering you coverage against particular unknowns. Find a very experienced agent and CPA to help you determine what kind of investments you need to make and how to set them up with the proper type of coverage.
General Liability policies cover special events which are of two durations: short term of 10 days or less such as weddings and fund raisers, and those that are more than 10 days in length typically two week festivals or seminars. You receive a Certificate of Insurance that should include the facility as an insured just to transfer some of the risk of liability of lawsuit back onto the owner of the property. These are short term policies that expire at the conclusion of the event and the price is determined by the amount of risk involved.
When providing for your insurance needs be sure to choose a reputable and reliable company along with a trusted agent who has many years of experience. You will need excellent advice in determining what coverage best suits you, your family and any special events you might hold. Should anything go wrong in your life or plans, insurance is there to alleviate the risk and protect you from financial ruin.