If you're recovering from injury or illness, and need a cheap wheelchair, it may seem difficult to find one without having to pay full price. But make sure you exhaust this list before you settle for dropping down the big bucks on a new one. You may be able to find one in good condition cheaper than you were expecting.
- 1) Give the Internet a Try The internet has a ton of places full of people trying to get rid of items like wheelchairs because they don't know how or want to dispose of them by themselves. Craigslist is a great place to start. By choosing a nearby city, you can pick your wheelchair right away after talking with the person and bypass the shipping/handling fees and shipping time. If speed is not a factor, then Ebay is filled with sellers trying to get rid of a wheelchair they do not need anymore.
- 2) Thrift Stores, Hospitals, and Airports... Oh My You may try calling a thrift store, hospital, or airport to find out if they have used or old wheelchairs that are for sale or free. Sometimes hospitals or airports may be in the process of getting rid of them, so for a small price, you could get one of their old wheelchairs for a cheap price. Thrift stores often have wheelchairs donated to them, and turnaround and sell them cheap as well.
- 3) Going Right to the Source If you're looking to buy a new wheelchair for cheap, buy directly from manufacturers or from online discount retailers. Buying directly will get you a brand new wheelchair at the lowest price. Online retailers will have ones to sell cheap as well, and they may or may not be new. Buying from a vendor online or from the manufacturer will be more expensive than buying a used wheelchair, but they'll be in better condition than any used one would be.