- 1). Prepare the surface for painting by sanding the piece. When the piece is completely sanded, wipe with the rag to remove grease, dust and any debris that may compromise paint adherence.
- 2). Paint the item with a primer if you intend to use it outside. For inside use, you can proceed with the first coat of paint. Leave the first coat to dry. Paint the second coat and leave to dry.
- 3). Use the sandpaper to sand away the paint on some of the edges and corners so that your piece looks worn.
- 4). Use a hammer to gently tap some paint off on the top and sides. You can also hold the chain in both hands and hit it against the top and sides to remove flakes of paint. Don't overdo it or damage the furniture.
- 5). Place some paste wax on the rag. Rub the wax in a circular motion over areas where the paint has been removed. The paste wax will protect the exposed wood.