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Designing a Fishing T-Shirt

Fishing is one of the most popular recreational activities in America.
Many fathers and sons across the country have mended their relational conflicts through this very American ritual of catching fish, be it for pure sport or for the fulfillment of the belly.
If you are a big fishing enthusiast who pretty much drives an hour out of the city every weekend just to enjoy the serenity that comes with fishing, you might want to wear something more apt for it.
Begin with your shirt.
Believe it or not, many aficionados like you make their own fishing shirts.
Some have even grew it into a business, selling all kinds of custom-designed fishing t shirts to a variety of sporting goods stores and fishing organizations.
With that in mind, how would you like to know how to make your own fishing shirt? Purchase Supplies Visiting a craft store should be your first stop.
Go straight to the aisle for iron on designs.
These are designs that you can transfer onto a shirt using a regular iron.
Most crafts store will carry a variety of ready-to-transfer fishing designs since making a fishing shirt is pretty common nowadays.
If, by chance, you can't find any design to your liking, the least you can do is purchase some letter transfers so that you can design your shirt with a popular fishing adage or term.
While you are at the store, purchase the plain shirts as well.
Start Designing Once you have all the things you need, find a quiet spot in your house with a nice flat table that you can iron on.
Lay out all those iron transfer designs and start cutting them out.
Yes, each sheet will have multiple cut outs.
For instance, one design may be composed of a fish cutout, a fishing pole cut out, and the word fishing.
Cut all those out accordingly.
As soon as you are done cutting, spread out the shirt on the table.
Decide where you want each cutout transferred on the shirt.
Once you have decided on the final design, turn on your iron as you will want it nice and hot for the transfers.
To transfer the design on the shirt, place the transfer cut out on the shirt where you want it to go then firmly iron it on.
You should continue ironing back and forth for about 30 seconds or so.
If the transfer tends to pop up, don't panic.
Simply iron it back into place and it should be fine.
Peel off the transfer slowly afterwards then repeat the process until all of the desired designs are on the shirt.
Depending on the type of transfer you used, you might want to iron out the opposite side of the shirt where the design is for good measure.
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