Health & Medical Healthy Living

Side Effects of Atro-Phex


    • The recommended dose is one capsule on an empty stomach in the morning, about 30 to 45 minutes before you eat breakfast, and another capsule roughly four to five hours later. If you tolerate this well, you can increase to two capsules twice daily on the second day. You can further increase the dose on the third day to three capsules twice daily, then up to the maximum of four capsules twice daily on the fourth day. As you increase your dose per day, you also increase your risk of side effects and their severity.

    Gastrointestinal Issues

    • Due to the stimulants in Atro-Phex, there is a chance for gastrointestinal problems. If you have a GI problem, such as irritable bowel syndrome or Crohn's disease, you are more likely to experience problems. The most common gastrointestinal side effect is diarrhea. Cramping and bloating can accompany the diarrhea.

    Nervous System Effects

    • Again, the main causes of nervous system side effects are the stimulants. Increased heart rate or palpitations may occur. These are more serious effects that you should discuss with your doctor. Less severe side effects are nervousness or anxiousness. Fidgeting and excess energy are also possible.

    Trouble Sleeping

    Frequent Urination

    • Atro-Phex contains mild diuretics to aid in reducing excess body water weight. Even though the dose is mild, it can cause frequent urination in some people. If you tend to hold excess water, this symptom may be worse at first and then become less noticeable as your body adjusts to retaining less water.


    • Atro-Phex is meant for use by individuals who exercise. You may experience some weight loss from taking Atro-Phex while not exercising, but your results will not be as good.

      People who are very overweight, who have heart problems, high blood pressure or any other health conditions, should get a doctor's permission to use Atro-Phex. It is not recommended for people under 21 years of age or for pregnant or nursing women.

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