Health & Medical Medicine

How To Choose The Best Vertigo Exercises

The sensation of movement of yourself or your environment is termed vertigo and is one of the most common reasons that people visit a doctor. Many conditions can cause this dizziness or vertigo feeling. For example you could have light headedness or a more significant condition like a tumor. Among the most common causes that is called benign positional vertigo also known as bppv. This article will discuss treatment of this type of vertigo with vertigo exercises.

Regrettably, it is popular that bppv or benign positional vertigo is usually treated with some form of medication. While this approach can lessen the symptoms of the dizziness or associated nausea it fails to fix the real cause of the problem. Next we will talk about the real cause of this type of vertigo, the reason medication is not a good treatment and how vertigo exercises can help you.

The vertigo referred to as benign positional vertigo is said to be triggered by particles or debris that are loose within our balance organs. Semicircular canals are the proper name for our balance organs and they are found in our inner ears. They contain a fluid like substance, which when we move will activate little tiny hair like receptors. These receptors send messages to our brain to inform us about what direction we are moving in. The loose debris or particles interfere with the receptor messages to the brain and therefore we may feel an increased sensation of movement, thus the feeling of vertigo.

To fix this problem we need a solution that takes away the loose debris so the receptors can work properly again. Drugs or medication will not do this. What they do for this condition is suppress your nervous system so you do not feel as dizzy or as nauseous. So in reality the problem of the loose debris is still there, it is just your nervous system is depressed by drugs and the symptoms don't feel as bad. Medication is only treating the symptoms in this case and not the cause of the problem.

The solution to fix the cause of the problem is vertigo exercises. Unfortunately, it is common that patients are given the wrong type of exercises or told how to do the correct exercises wrongly. Commonly patients are given what are called habituation exercises. Exercises that heavily stimulate your balance organs and which over time the goal is to create an habituation response where your system is stronger and better able to deal with the vertigo. Once again not really fixing the problem, but at least it is a natural attempt at dealing with the symptoms. This should be the second choice of vertigo exercises for people, but for some reason these are often given as the first choice.

The best solution to this vertigo are specific vertigo exercises that move the particles or debris to a safer place. In this safer place they will not affect the receptors so much in the semi circular canals. This approach corrects the root cause of the problem of the loose debris or particles and does not just mask the symptoms. When done properly these exercises are very effective and safe.
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