As a course of the ‘gone by' sweaty summer, all the heat over the three extremely warm months gets accumulated in your body. It is the rains that bring a relief to your mind and body. The monsoons is the time during which your body begins to lose all the accumulated heat through your skin in various forms- breakouts, skin infections and the deadliest of the lot, fungal and bacterial infections.
Don't get grossed out yet, these diseases are a common encounter during the wet season though one can easily manage to go untouched by either of the skin conditions mentioned. Having a skin infection for an elongated period is not good, make sure to visit a Dermatology Doctor at the earliest.
Read along to get a few handy tips to assist you during the rains:
Protect your skin!
It is crucial that you take the required measures to protect your skin from high humidity levels. Damp and moist skin is a breeding ground for undesired skin diseases that could eventually lead to fungal and bacterial skin disorders. Concentrate and keep dry the areas that manage to remain warm and cramped up. For instance- The area between your toes, armpits, and groin.
To be on the safe side, one should bathe with warm water, keep dry as much as possible and apply an anti- fungal soap and an anti- fungal powder after you've confirmed with your Skin specialist (for delicate skin). Also, ensure you manage to draw out the time to moisturize your skin with a wheat bran or ground almonds based moisturizer.
Happy feet is the way to go!
Make sure you do not ignore your feet especially during the harsh rains. Getting your feet wet is definitely going to be a common issue but it is what you do to protect it against developing bad odor and other foot infections that matters. After walking through murky water, wash your feet with an antiseptic solution dissolved in comfortably warm water. Once you've managed to wash your feet thoroughly, rub on some moisturizer and slide on a pair of warm socks.
Keeping your feet warm and dry is as essential as keeping your footwear dry rather than damp. It is highly recommended that one should expose their wet footwear to the sunlight to dry rather than some place dark and damp.
The rains do bring in an aura of fun and frolic but being responsible for your skin is something that you must invest in. Keeping your skin happy and glowing will result in you enjoying your monsoons rather than dealing with the gruesome skin diseases and infections.
Enjoy the monsoons and keep away from skin infections. Just in case you manage to contract one, worry not! Contact our renowned Dermatologists for skin treatment and skin oriented queries.
Don't get grossed out yet, these diseases are a common encounter during the wet season though one can easily manage to go untouched by either of the skin conditions mentioned. Having a skin infection for an elongated period is not good, make sure to visit a Dermatology Doctor at the earliest.
Read along to get a few handy tips to assist you during the rains:
Protect your skin!
It is crucial that you take the required measures to protect your skin from high humidity levels. Damp and moist skin is a breeding ground for undesired skin diseases that could eventually lead to fungal and bacterial skin disorders. Concentrate and keep dry the areas that manage to remain warm and cramped up. For instance- The area between your toes, armpits, and groin.
To be on the safe side, one should bathe with warm water, keep dry as much as possible and apply an anti- fungal soap and an anti- fungal powder after you've confirmed with your Skin specialist (for delicate skin). Also, ensure you manage to draw out the time to moisturize your skin with a wheat bran or ground almonds based moisturizer.
Happy feet is the way to go!
Make sure you do not ignore your feet especially during the harsh rains. Getting your feet wet is definitely going to be a common issue but it is what you do to protect it against developing bad odor and other foot infections that matters. After walking through murky water, wash your feet with an antiseptic solution dissolved in comfortably warm water. Once you've managed to wash your feet thoroughly, rub on some moisturizer and slide on a pair of warm socks.
Keeping your feet warm and dry is as essential as keeping your footwear dry rather than damp. It is highly recommended that one should expose their wet footwear to the sunlight to dry rather than some place dark and damp.
The rains do bring in an aura of fun and frolic but being responsible for your skin is something that you must invest in. Keeping your skin happy and glowing will result in you enjoying your monsoons rather than dealing with the gruesome skin diseases and infections.
Enjoy the monsoons and keep away from skin infections. Just in case you manage to contract one, worry not! Contact our renowned Dermatologists for skin treatment and skin oriented queries.