Home & Garden Do It Yourself

Painting Stucco, Cement Block, or Concrete

Elastomeric Coatings Stretch the Life of Your Masonry:

Masonry is one of the most common exterior building materials. And cracked surfaces present one of the most common problems when painting masonry.

Why are masonry cracks so common? In many ways, they are part of the natural aging process of any home. Over time, all houses "settle" as they age; they also expand and contract when temperatures rise or fall dramatically. Either phenomenon can produce cracks, ranging from the hairline variety to major fissures.

"What's the problem with a few cracks?", you may ask. To begin with, even small cracks can permit moisture to penetrate the walls, leading to hidden (and, in extreme cases, not so hidden) water damage. They can also provide a convenient point of entry for insects and vermin.

Whether your entire home exterior is made of masonry or if you just have masonry on your chimney or part of your home, it pays to know how to deal with troublesome cracks... and the most important thing to know is that there are special, high-tech coatings that can help you deal with this problem.

So-called "elastomeric" wall coatings made with 100% acrylic binders are specially formulated to literally stretch to span cracks and surface imperfections to seal out moisture and small critters. Should the surface contract due to temperature change, the coatings return to their original shape without wrinkling or warping.

Aside from their flexibility, elastomeric coatings provide a host of other benefits. They form a non-tacky surface that is highly reistant to dirt pickup. They resist degradation from the sun's UV rays, which enables them to retain their original color for many years. And when applied to concrete block, they can hide unsightly mortar lines.
Elastomeric coatings are available in a wide variety of colors - light tints and dark shades, in both muted and vibrant tones. But from a performance standpoint, the real beauty of elastomeric wall coatings is that they can be specially formulated to meet the unique demands of the local climate and specific types of masonry.

Most homeowners hire a professional painting contractor to apply elastomeric wall coatings, but if you're on a tight budget and you're willing to do your own painting, you can still get professional results. Advice for do-it-yourselfers: Be sure that you always apply two heavy coats of the elastomeric wall coating using a deep-nap roller. Your paint retailer can offer other tips.
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