Health & Medical Diseases & Conditions

What You Need To Know About A Diverticulitis Diet

Small, bulging sacs may form in the walls of the large intestines because of age, poor diet and other factors.
Called diverticula, they can become infected or inflamed, leading to a medical condition known as diverticulitis.
For a person afflicted with this disease, a specialist may advise the diverticulitis diet.
This meal plan isn't designed to cure or put off the condition.
Instead, it's simply there to relieve the large intestine from a heavy workload as the person is recovering.
The specialist may also apply a certain course of treatment with it, like an antibiotic therapy.
In addition, the plan is ideal only for those suffering from mild to moderate conditions, and can be carried out at home.
For severe conditions, hospital stay may be necessitated.
Below are the things that make up the said meal plan: During a bout with the condition, a clear liquid meal is recommended, along with the treatment course the specialist has chosen.
Such meal is made up of food or beverages that produce no residue.
A specialist usually advises for the individual to undergo such for 2-3 days only.
Clear and fat-free broth (meat or vegetable) can be consumed.
The person may drink soda that's clear, or fruit juices without pulp or seeds.
Tea or coffee minus creamer may be consumed as well.
Pure and clean water is definitely included.
Clear gelatin and ice pops free of fruit bits or seeds is allowed in the diet.
To keep hunger pangs away, sipping on ice chips will do.
As soon as the signs and symptoms lessen, the person will begin to feel much better.
During this time, the specialist will advise introduction of foods and drinks with low fiber contents.
But such transition should be done slowly.
This way, the large intestines may not be upset as it's been used to a clear ones for days.
Fruit juices with minimal pulp and canned fruits may be taken.
Yogurt and other similar desserts can be consumed, provided they have no seeds or nuts in them.
Also, white rice, white bread and plain pasta, macaroni or noodles are permitted.
Vegetables that are cooked well and without peel or seeds are fine.
The individual may also start to consume meat, fish and poultry cooked tenderly.
When the attack is no longer around, a diet with high fiber contents are permitted to be consumed.
But like before, a slow transition from low to high fiber food and drinks should be observed.
Generally speaking, a person necessitates 20-35 grams of fiber on a daily basis.
During this time, brown rice and whole-grain breads and cereals are allowed.
Additionally, fresh fruits and vegetables may be incorporated into the plan.
Chickpeas, lentils, kidney beans, mung beans and other legumes are also great sources of fiber.
Nuts and seeds once were thought to have a say in the health issue.
But these days, such is no longer believed, so the individual may also start taking them.
The diverticulitis diet, once more, is ideal for only those afflicted with mild to moderate condition.
When recommended by a specialist together with a mode of treatment, closely adhering to both is essential.
Although the meal plan will not cure the illness, it can help in the recovery of the individual.
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