- Many individuals who suddenly stop taking Prozac experience a wide range of symptoms, which may include dizziness or a sensation of lightheadedness. In most cases, this dizziness is not severe but creates what can almost be termed as a "floating head" type of feeling, where the head does not seem to be directly connected to the body. In some cases, individuals experience vertigo, an intense sensation of spinning.
- Insomnia, or the inability to sleep, is also a common side effect of sudden Prozac withdrawal. Restlessness, anxiety and a states of increased dreams often occur. Dreams seem to be more vivid and alarming than usual, which is believed to be triggered by anxiety.
- Individuals experiencing Prozac withdrawal often feel an increased sense of agitation or impatience, which may also be defined as an increased state of nervousness. Anyone experiencing such sensations should notify a health care provider for monitoring. Gradual reductions in dosage are recommended to minimize such effects.
- According to the FDA, additional side effects caused by withdrawal of Prozac also include sensory disturbances. Such feelings are described by individuals as "intermittent shocks", where various areas of the body may feel electrical shock-like symptoms that range from very mild to very noticeable.
- If an individual is experiencing severe withdrawal side effects, the health care provider may place the individual back on the Prozac therapy and then reduce the dose even more gradually. Individuals are cautioned against stopping Prozac treatment "cold turkey", as severe withdrawal symptoms are common in such cases.
Sensory Disturbances