Pregnancy is a significant biological experience that some people wait their whole lives to encounter.
There is nothing quite like it.
And with the actual process it undertakes, it's not surprising why pregnancy is regarded by some as a miracle.
However, there are common diseases that endanger pregnancy.
Though usually non life-threatening to the individual affected, these diseases have a big impact on the life and health of the unborn child.
Chicken pox, otherwise known as varicella, is a mild, air-borne infection usually manifests itself during childhood.
However, there are certain instances when adults are also victimized by this condition.
Chicken pox begins with the appearance of rashes in particular parts of the body.
After a few days, it spreads, leaving the person covered with itchy blisters.
Though inconvenient and bothersome, chicken pox in adults shouldn't cause any alarm.
Viral infections are usually self-limiting and will only merit symptomatic treatment.
But, it is a completely different story when pregnancy is involved.
If you get chicken pox while child-bearing, immediately consult your obstetrician.
She is the foremost authority in handling such cases.
She will know if there are certain treatments to be applied and issues to anticipate.
It might be quite distressing, but parents should prepare themselves for the outcomes.
The effects of chicken pox on the baby may vary according to the age of gestation.
Usually, what is most disconcerting is if the mother is infected during the first trimester.
Since the baby is still forming, the varicella virus can interrupt the natural process of things.
And as such, the child may suffer congenital varicella and be born with health disorders as well as physical deformities.
This may involve having a low birth weight and getting a small head, skin scarring, deformed and paralyzed limbs, and eye complications.
The impact of the infection is less during the second trimester.
However, the threat resurfaces by the third trimester, as the baby may suffer from mental retardation upon exposure to the varicella virus.
Chicken pox is just one of the unassuming menaces of pregnancy.
There are still a number of illnesses out there that can cause great harm to babies.
Sometimes, it is the foreign microorganism that causes the damage.
Sometimes, it is the body's immune system.
Whichever the case may be, the fact remains that the child inside the womb is to pay the price.
So mothers should really be careful about their health.
There is nothing quite like it.
And with the actual process it undertakes, it's not surprising why pregnancy is regarded by some as a miracle.
However, there are common diseases that endanger pregnancy.
Though usually non life-threatening to the individual affected, these diseases have a big impact on the life and health of the unborn child.
Chicken pox, otherwise known as varicella, is a mild, air-borne infection usually manifests itself during childhood.
However, there are certain instances when adults are also victimized by this condition.
Chicken pox begins with the appearance of rashes in particular parts of the body.
After a few days, it spreads, leaving the person covered with itchy blisters.
Though inconvenient and bothersome, chicken pox in adults shouldn't cause any alarm.
Viral infections are usually self-limiting and will only merit symptomatic treatment.
But, it is a completely different story when pregnancy is involved.
If you get chicken pox while child-bearing, immediately consult your obstetrician.
She is the foremost authority in handling such cases.
She will know if there are certain treatments to be applied and issues to anticipate.
It might be quite distressing, but parents should prepare themselves for the outcomes.
The effects of chicken pox on the baby may vary according to the age of gestation.
Usually, what is most disconcerting is if the mother is infected during the first trimester.
Since the baby is still forming, the varicella virus can interrupt the natural process of things.
And as such, the child may suffer congenital varicella and be born with health disorders as well as physical deformities.
This may involve having a low birth weight and getting a small head, skin scarring, deformed and paralyzed limbs, and eye complications.
The impact of the infection is less during the second trimester.
However, the threat resurfaces by the third trimester, as the baby may suffer from mental retardation upon exposure to the varicella virus.
Chicken pox is just one of the unassuming menaces of pregnancy.
There are still a number of illnesses out there that can cause great harm to babies.
Sometimes, it is the foreign microorganism that causes the damage.
Sometimes, it is the body's immune system.
Whichever the case may be, the fact remains that the child inside the womb is to pay the price.
So mothers should really be careful about their health.