Health & Medical Diseases & Conditions

What Is the HIV Test and How Is to Conduct It?

The HIV test is a blood test used to determine whether someone is HIV positive or not, that is by detecting the presence of HIV antibodies in the blood sample.

This should be done at least that one could know with certainty the status of her/his health, particularly regarding the risk of behavior over the years.

Why need to test?

As already known, the transmission of HIV from an infected person to others is through the exchange of bodily fluids, including blood, semen, vaginal fluids and breast milk.

Because of the way, the transfer of HIV from one person to another is also very specific, namely:

€ Through a blood transfusion or blood products

€ Transplantation of organs or tissue

€ The use of needles and syringes contaminated with HIV interchangeably, e.g. syringes among drug users

€ Use of syringe / sharp tool that allows the wound, alternately without sterilized, for example, tattoo needles, piercing needles, equipment squeeze acne, etc.

€ Unsafe sex, which allows mixing semen with vaginal fluids (in vaginal sex), or semen with blood (on anal sex)-without a barrier (in this case a condom)

€ From an HIV-positive pregnant woman, to unborn baby, this is through the birth canal and in the process of feeding with breast milk.

In summary, when a person in his/her life ever does high-risk things like mentioned above, it is important for themselves to have an HIV test immediately, so they can better maintain subsequent behavior for the health of himself and his partner, as well as (potential) future children.

What is the point?

Actually, the sooner we know our HIV status, the more positive things we can do in this life. Many people who have not realized the risk behavior of the possibility of acquiring or transmitting HIV, and because it does not immediately undergo HIV, testing remains a high-risk behavior. This is certainly related closely to consciousness to maintain their health, family and (future) children.

In general, HIV testing is also useful to know the progress of HIV / AIDS and to ensure that blood for transfusions and organ transplants does not infected by HIV.

What is the procedure?

HIV testing should be:

Voluntary: it means that the person who will perform an HIV test should be based on their own conscience, not on coercion / pressure of others. It also means that he agreed to be tested after knowing what things are included in the test, what are the advantages and disadvantages of testing, as well as what are the implications of a positive result or a negative result.

Confidential: that is, whatever the results of this test later (both positive and negative) results should only be notified directly to the person concerned. Should not be delegated to anyone, whether a parent, spouse, boss or anyone else.

In addition, the HIV test results must also be guaranteed confidentiality by the parties to the test (doctors, hospitals, or laboratories) and may not be reproduced.

Given the importance to pay attention to human rights issues in the HIV test, then for the person who will perform the test should be provided counseling services, namely:

Pre-test counseling: counseling is done before the person's blood tests were taken. Counseling helps a person to know the risks of his behavior over the years. Moreover, how it will after knowing the results of the test. Pre-test counseling is also useful for convincing people to the decision to test or not, as well as prepare themselves when the results will be positive.

Post-test counseling: that counseling should be given after the test results are known, whether it is positive or negative going. Post-test counseling is very important to help those who are HIV-positive result in order to figure out how to avoid transmission to others, and to get over it and establish positive life. For those who are HIV-negative result, post-test counseling is beneficial to inform about ways to prevent HIV infection in the future.

It should be noted that the process of counseling, testing and test results must be kept confidential.

Specifically about the confidentiality aspect worth noting that, the issue of confidentiality is usually addressed in different ways in each place. In some communities, confidentiality is defined as should not ever tell anyone about your HIV status, but confidentiality (secrecy) is different as confidentiality.

Secrecy may increase the impression that HIV is taboo. It is important to remember not to discuss a person's HIV status without their permission, but the excessive emphasis on individual confidentiality may cause difficulties for the person to get the right support. This needs to be solved in several ways, such as giving information about HIV better to the public, encouraging people to share test results with people they trust, openness advocate of the cause of death, and at the same time respect the rights of people with HIV and prevent stigma and discrimination.

If someone did not tell anyone else that he/she had HIV, he/she can be more anxious and isolated. Social support can be helpful in keeping people healthy and can lower stress levels, and can be done by the family and the environment.

For these reasons, the programs in several countries of Asia and Africa offer more forms of confidentiality in accordance with the local culture. This includes 'shared confidentiality' which uses counselors 'ordinary' (those who have believed, who have been trained in counseling) rather than professional counselor; couples counseling and testing, as well as group counseling and community education to eliminate stigma against HIV and AIDS.

How is to Conducting Test?

If a virus infects a person, the body will produce antibodies to fight the infection. The antibodies are produced by the immune system. Antibodies are much easier to detect than the virus.

Most of the HIV antibody tests detect HIV antibodies in the blood sample. If no antibodies are detected, the result is seronegative or HIV-negative. Conversely, if there are antibodies to HIV, means the result is positive or HIV seropositivity.

Although even so, a test may give negative results when tested person newly infected. This can occur because your body takes a few weeks to begin to produce antibodies from infection. Antibodies can usually be detected approximately 3-8 weeks after infection, and this period is called the window period (window period). In times like this, because somebody might get a negative test result for antibodies has not been established so as not to be detected, but he had a bus pass HIV to others through the means that have been mentioned earlier.

Blood tests are usually performed using ELISA (enzyme linked immunosorbent assay) that has a high sensitivity - but low specifications. If at the time of the ELISA test result is positive, it must be confirmed with a Western Blot test, which is kind of a test that has a high specification but low sensitivity. Due to the different nature of the two tests, it usually must be combined to obtain accurate results.

In addition to the two types of tests earlier, there are also other types of tests, which can detect antigens (part of the virus), that is NAT (nucleic acid amplification technologies) and PCR (polymerase chain reaction).
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