Due to tough times in recession, many organizations are trying their best to save as much as possible with the help of 'go green' tips.
The best way to save money is to start recycling.
Any average person usually creates 4.
5 pounds of trash per day.
Just imagine how much of that is going into the landfills unless you recycle the stuff.
You should try and save natural resources as much as possible.
You need to preserve water, trees and other natural resources.
Use go green tips as much as you can.
For example, buy food that is produced locally.
This way, you will boost the economy of your area and also help to shrink the hidden cost that is involved in the distribution of food.
The quality and the price of home grown food are very good.
Try and avoid printing as much as possible.
Paper is made from timber.
So the more paper you waste, the more trees are felled to provide more paper.
Use paper on both the sides for taking down notes.
Avoid using disposable pens.
Use refillable ink pens and printer cartridges.
If you are refurbishing your office, then it makes sense to donate the old furnishings to charity.
Similarly if you are phasing out your computers, then instead of dumping them, donate them to the local library or a local school for others to use.
It is important that you as well as your entire family use the go green tips.
Install a barrel on your roof to catch rain water.
Collecting rain water does not cost you any money and it is extremely useful for watering plants.
This way, your water bills will be low and your plants will be subject to fewer chemicals.
You can also create a compost bin for your plants.
It is a great way to recycle.
You can dispose off fallen leaves in your compost bin.
You may also want to look at the option of growing drought resistant plants that need less water.
A very common go green idea is that you must cook once and eat twice.
For instance, if you are baking something for your lunch, it makes sense to use the same oven at the same time to cook dinner, in case there is space.
This way, you can save a lot of time, money and effort.
Shredding documents that have sensitive information is extremely important.
But you need to choose a vendor who does it in a proper green way.
Shredded paper can also be recycled.
Another go green tip is to make sure that you replace your existing bulbs with compact fluorescent light bulbs.
You can find these bulbs anywhere and they are quite inexpensive.
These are just a few go green tips.
There are loads of others that you can implement to save money and help the environment alongside.
The best way to save money is to start recycling.
Any average person usually creates 4.
5 pounds of trash per day.
Just imagine how much of that is going into the landfills unless you recycle the stuff.
You should try and save natural resources as much as possible.
You need to preserve water, trees and other natural resources.
Use go green tips as much as you can.
For example, buy food that is produced locally.
This way, you will boost the economy of your area and also help to shrink the hidden cost that is involved in the distribution of food.
The quality and the price of home grown food are very good.
Try and avoid printing as much as possible.
Paper is made from timber.
So the more paper you waste, the more trees are felled to provide more paper.
Use paper on both the sides for taking down notes.
Avoid using disposable pens.
Use refillable ink pens and printer cartridges.
If you are refurbishing your office, then it makes sense to donate the old furnishings to charity.
Similarly if you are phasing out your computers, then instead of dumping them, donate them to the local library or a local school for others to use.
It is important that you as well as your entire family use the go green tips.
Install a barrel on your roof to catch rain water.
Collecting rain water does not cost you any money and it is extremely useful for watering plants.
This way, your water bills will be low and your plants will be subject to fewer chemicals.
You can also create a compost bin for your plants.
It is a great way to recycle.
You can dispose off fallen leaves in your compost bin.
You may also want to look at the option of growing drought resistant plants that need less water.
A very common go green idea is that you must cook once and eat twice.
For instance, if you are baking something for your lunch, it makes sense to use the same oven at the same time to cook dinner, in case there is space.
This way, you can save a lot of time, money and effort.
Shredding documents that have sensitive information is extremely important.
But you need to choose a vendor who does it in a proper green way.
Shredded paper can also be recycled.
Another go green tip is to make sure that you replace your existing bulbs with compact fluorescent light bulbs.
You can find these bulbs anywhere and they are quite inexpensive.
These are just a few go green tips.
There are loads of others that you can implement to save money and help the environment alongside.