If you woke up early in morning and feeling that you did not sleep well at night. You're not alone. A new survey reveals that most adults struggle to sleep, so rarely now, enjoy the quiet at least seven hours sleep recommended for good health.
61% of respondents said they could hardly reach the six hours a night, while nearly one in three said they suffer from insomnia - many of them suffering for years. Doctors warn that sleep deprivation leads to depression, poor concentration and inability to convey simple activities.
According to the findings of the study, carried out by the Mental Health Foundation (MHF) in Britain in 5300 volunteers, patients with insomnia are four times more likely to experience relationship problems, three times more likely to have difficulty concentrating or be unhappy and twice as likely to suffer of reduced energy. Long run; moreover, are at increased risk of hypertension, obesity, diabetes and even cancer.
25% of the volunteers were told also that their sleep is troubled by problems such as tooth grinding and sleep apnea, namely the short, repeated cessation of breathing that makes them misogynous several times every night, striving to regain their breath.
Only 39% said they sleep very well, according to the MHF, which featured insomnia "public health problem" and asked to carry out information campaigns for the public to realize how important it is to sleep well at night.
"Although it is always-and rightly so, careful attention to diet and regular exercise as a method of safeguarding health, sleep is equally important because it can significantly affect the mental and physical health," said Dr. Andrew MakKaloou from MHF.
Our vigil stress
how many hours of sleep, but everyone need us? As explained by experts from the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, there is no clear answer because everyone has different needs sleep.
Most adults need seven to eight, but there are many who do not feel relaxed if you do not sleep nine or even more. Stress and anxiety are two of the most common causes of insomnia and the seasons are offered for anyone to feel anxious. Other causes are taking certain medications, health problems, poor sleeping habits, changes in social and / or work environment, including poor diet or eating too late. The good news is that insomnia can usually be treated and do not need anyone to suffer needlessly. Although most believe that a drug is what they need, experts from the Sleep Research Center in Aeginition Hospital say the deal is more complex than this and should include education about the conditions and practices that promote continuous and effective sleep.
61% of respondents said they could hardly reach the six hours a night, while nearly one in three said they suffer from insomnia - many of them suffering for years. Doctors warn that sleep deprivation leads to depression, poor concentration and inability to convey simple activities.
According to the findings of the study, carried out by the Mental Health Foundation (MHF) in Britain in 5300 volunteers, patients with insomnia are four times more likely to experience relationship problems, three times more likely to have difficulty concentrating or be unhappy and twice as likely to suffer of reduced energy. Long run; moreover, are at increased risk of hypertension, obesity, diabetes and even cancer.
25% of the volunteers were told also that their sleep is troubled by problems such as tooth grinding and sleep apnea, namely the short, repeated cessation of breathing that makes them misogynous several times every night, striving to regain their breath.
Only 39% said they sleep very well, according to the MHF, which featured insomnia "public health problem" and asked to carry out information campaigns for the public to realize how important it is to sleep well at night.
"Although it is always-and rightly so, careful attention to diet and regular exercise as a method of safeguarding health, sleep is equally important because it can significantly affect the mental and physical health," said Dr. Andrew MakKaloou from MHF.
Our vigil stress
how many hours of sleep, but everyone need us? As explained by experts from the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, there is no clear answer because everyone has different needs sleep.
Most adults need seven to eight, but there are many who do not feel relaxed if you do not sleep nine or even more. Stress and anxiety are two of the most common causes of insomnia and the seasons are offered for anyone to feel anxious. Other causes are taking certain medications, health problems, poor sleeping habits, changes in social and / or work environment, including poor diet or eating too late. The good news is that insomnia can usually be treated and do not need anyone to suffer needlessly. Although most believe that a drug is what they need, experts from the Sleep Research Center in Aeginition Hospital say the deal is more complex than this and should include education about the conditions and practices that promote continuous and effective sleep.