- 1). Log in to Quicken to begin tracking your finances and properties. You will now need to add your bank account(s) information. The system then administers all your financial moves in one place. Use this area to ensure that your bills are paid on time; that you avoid overdraft fees; and that you're aware of the last month's financial balance. You do not need to check multiple bank websites, because it is all displayed on the Quicken interface. Use the billing tracking feature to increase the control over your bills, and to make sure nothing gets out of your attention, such as delaying the payment of a bank rate. Based on the information you provide, Quicken Property determines where you tend to spend most and re-adjusts your spending goals to increase your savings. With time, this feature becomes more and more comprehensive, allowing you to increase your financial efficiency through smart savings.
- 2). Follow Quicken's setup to enter your rental properties. Users can view property expenses individually, which will allow you to know where money is going, and where expenses can be trimmed back. Track rent paid and other income by property, and compare profits and losses. Determine what properties are profitable and which properties may be a detriment to your financial goals. All this information and more can be accessed through the intuitive interface.
- 3). Categorize your personal and property expenses for tax purposes. Quicken Rental Property Manager 2011 creates an instant summary to show current tax deduction status through the year, which will prevent any headaches and frustration on April 15th. The features continue to impress: Quicken develops tax reports you can provide your account. Furthermore, you can export tax information directly into Intuit's TurboTax for easy tax filing.