You may already have heard that more than eighty percent of people throughout the world would like to write a book.
The sad part is that fewer than 5% actually achieve their goal.
And of those who write and publish a book, less than 1% of them ever go on to publish a second book on any topic.
It doesn't have to be this way.
If becoming an author is one of your goals, know that it has never been easier to get your information out to the world in the form of a published book.
This is due, at least in part, to the world of self-publishing.
Amazon was the first company to really take off with this strategy, and thousands of people quickly found an outlet to easily get their book for sale.
I have now published one paperback book through their Create Space program, as well as an audio book that is available as both a physical CD and downloadable mp3 files.
They make it so simple that almost anyone can write or record their information and upload it to their site for publication.
I would still recommend that you have an editor take a look at it before you upload the final version, because it is your reputation that is at stake if you have errors or incorrect information in your final book or audio CD.
You can then publish your book as a Kindle offering.
This is also very easy to do, simply by following their detailed instructions.
Many people now prefer to read on a Kindle, iPad, or computer screen (yes, you can download a version of the Kindle reader to your desktop) so be sure you are providing your content in a format that is preferable to them.
Now it's time to market your book to your prospects.
You can do this easily by blogging on your topic, writing short articles, hosting teleseminars, and becoming active on the most popular social media sites - Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.
Let people know who you are and what you have to offer them by communicating openly and regularly on your topic and answering all questions.
This will increase both your visibility and credibility, resulting in more book sales, opportunities to speak at live events and on teleseminars, and even being able to coach or mentor others who want to follow in your footsteps.
Think of your book as a stepping stone to a variety of events that will end up changing your life in a big way over a short period of time.
Get started right away so that you'll know what other questions you need to have answered.
The sad part is that fewer than 5% actually achieve their goal.
And of those who write and publish a book, less than 1% of them ever go on to publish a second book on any topic.
It doesn't have to be this way.
If becoming an author is one of your goals, know that it has never been easier to get your information out to the world in the form of a published book.
This is due, at least in part, to the world of self-publishing.
Amazon was the first company to really take off with this strategy, and thousands of people quickly found an outlet to easily get their book for sale.
I have now published one paperback book through their Create Space program, as well as an audio book that is available as both a physical CD and downloadable mp3 files.
They make it so simple that almost anyone can write or record their information and upload it to their site for publication.
I would still recommend that you have an editor take a look at it before you upload the final version, because it is your reputation that is at stake if you have errors or incorrect information in your final book or audio CD.
You can then publish your book as a Kindle offering.
This is also very easy to do, simply by following their detailed instructions.
Many people now prefer to read on a Kindle, iPad, or computer screen (yes, you can download a version of the Kindle reader to your desktop) so be sure you are providing your content in a format that is preferable to them.
Now it's time to market your book to your prospects.
You can do this easily by blogging on your topic, writing short articles, hosting teleseminars, and becoming active on the most popular social media sites - Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.
Let people know who you are and what you have to offer them by communicating openly and regularly on your topic and answering all questions.
This will increase both your visibility and credibility, resulting in more book sales, opportunities to speak at live events and on teleseminars, and even being able to coach or mentor others who want to follow in your footsteps.
Think of your book as a stepping stone to a variety of events that will end up changing your life in a big way over a short period of time.
Get started right away so that you'll know what other questions you need to have answered.