- 1). Spray a 6-inch-wide perimeter around the landscape feature made from pavers where you would like to make a wooden border, using landscaping spray paint.
- 2). Dig out the painted 6-inch-wide perimeter to a depth of 8 inches, using a shovel. Fill in the first 6 inches of the dug-out perimeter with gravel.
- 3). Strike the gravel perimeter in an even up-and-down motion using a tamper to pack down the gravel. This is the base for the treated wood border.
- 4). Measure the length of each side of the perimeter with a tape measure. Lay the landscaping timbers on a work surface, and measure and mark the timbers to the lengths in your measurements, using a tape measure and pencil.
- 5). Saw the timbers that you marked in Step 4 to length, using a radial arm saw. Lay the timbers in the center of the gravel base. Place each cut timber in its corresponding side around the perimeter of the pavers.
- 6). Drill a 3/8-inch hole through the top of each timber every 12 to 18 inches, using a drill equipped with a 3/8-inch bit. Drive a 12-inch length of 3/8-inch metal rebar through each hole and into the ground with a mallet, to secure the timbers around the perimeter of the pavers.