Health & Medical Health Care

Importance Of BLS And CPR Courses in Bettering Life

Accidents can happen anywhere and anytime and without any warning.
Be it cardiac arrests, drowning, strokes, falls, lethal collisions so on and so forth can push a man's life to its limits and have also been the cause of millions of untimely deaths over the years.
Among all the mentioned hazards to life, heart conditions seem to take the cake.
Stress, pollution, bad diet and lifestyle, and sometimes even congenital conditions have been posing considerable threat to many all around the world.
The degree of deteriorating heart conditions has reached an extent where even those on their late twenties and early thirties (mainly women) have been experiencing the same.
Being non predictable, people often come across situations where accidents do happen but emergency health care takes some time to arrive this is where BLS or, Basic Life Support comes to the rescue.
In fact training in BLS course is a must for all in the medical profession.
Basic Life Support basically includes three main components that are also known as the ABC of BLS.
These can be named as airway, breathing and circulation.
For a patient who has experienced an accident, it is necessary to ensure that the air passage of the same is not blocked, breathing should not be stopped and circulation of blood should be continuous.
In fact these are the basic conditions that keep the patient from collapsing to a state of non recovery.
Many people bear the impression that BLS is as good as medical treatment provided by the health care experts.
This however, is not true.
Basic life support is only meant to prevent the patient from getting in to more severe health damages and even death.
BLS holds the life of the patient till the time medical attention arrives.
It is therefore, a must for every one to take BLS course.
It is not something that only a medical professional is supposed to do.
People from all walks of life can take this course to ensure better health in case of dealing with emergencies that their near and dear ones may face.
CPR course is also very essential and falls among basic life support.
CPR stands for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation.
This is provided mainly when a patient experiences stoppage of heart beat because of heart attacks, drowning, severe shock etc.
All paramedics, fire fighters, life guards and others as such are well trained in CPR course.
However, it is good for all people to have some basic knowledge about CPR as a part of BLS to avoid threat to life in case of severe accidents of people close to them.
CPR can also be performed on animals.
Therefore, pet owners with aged pets who are prone to heart conditions will benefit from the same.
Taking CPR and BLS courses has become very easy in the present times.
Those who cannot reach class room for coaching can always avail the lessons online.
However, some practical lessons will have to be taken in person.
This matters when one wants to have a certification on these courses.
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