Health & Medical Cancer & Oncology

Asbestos claim

An asbestos claim can be a large amount of money, sometimes more than tens of millions of dollars. The claims are for a disease called mesothelioma which is a rare form of cancer usually caused by exposure to asbestos.

Many lawyers will make a claim on behalf of a client without charging any fees until the case is won. This is called working on a "contingency" basis, or "no win no fee". Obviously it makes it much easier for someone suffering from the disease to make a claim effectively, as they do not have to be concerned at all about finding money to pay legal fees. Going to a specialist lawyer can be a good idea, even if the lawyer is out of state.

The link between asbestos and mesothelioma was first found officially in 1960 regarding workers in Australian asbestos mines, although the health risks of asbestos had been recognized since the beginning of the twentieth century. Litigation on the subject had started in 1929 but the official recognition of the link increased the amount of legal actions considerably. It was later found that even indirect contact with asbestos, such as when doing the laundry of an asbestos worker, can sometimes cause mesothelioma.

Many types of work can bring people in contact with asbestos. Pipes and boilers were commonly insulated with asbestos lagging so anyone in working with these things might be at risk including boilermakers, laggers, pipe-fitters and plumbers. Asbestos cement board was commonly used in partition walls, flooring, roof tiles, suspended ceilings, and thermal insulation, which puts carpenters, builders, joiners and similar workers at risk as they cut and drill into these boards. Electricians are also at risk as they often work with similar materials as those in the above jobs.

Other areas of work which risks exposure to asbestos includes motor mechanics exposed to asbestos in brake pads and clutches, as well as fire fighters and sometimes management. Any worker who is in contact with asbestos either directly or indirectly is at some risk so is likely to be eligible to make an asbestos claim if they develop mesothelioma.

For more relevant information see our Blog Post Asbestos Claim []

For more relevant information see our Blog Mesothelioma Reports []

(sources include
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