One of the biggest struggles in Network Marketing is getting people to actually do what they say they are going to do. Nothing is worse than waiting around for a potential prospect to make up their mind after hanging up the telephone with you. What happens when you haven't heard from them in a few days? You call them back and either get an excuse or an answering machine that never returns your call.
The reason for the lack of success in signing up these prospects is because many call-backs are worthless after the first closing attempt. You have one and only one chance at closing your sale. You'll starve to death waiting for someone to follow through with what they promise. It's a sad but true fact.
Why does calling someone back make things even worse? Because it is telling your prospect that you need their business enough to take time out of your schedule to chase them down. If they think you are desperate for business, they'll start looking elsewhere for something with more leadership ability.
Only 3 things will happen when you are trying to close a prospect. A person can buy a product from you, they can hang up the phone on you, or you can choose to end the call. If the prospect wants to buy before your presentation is over, close the sale then. If they hang up, they're obviously not interested. When you choose to end the call, leave the ball in their court by telling them to call you back when they are ready.
Why does this technique work better than calling them back in a few days? Because its puts the responsibility on their shoulders. It tells them that unless they physically pick up the phone and call you, they are missing out on the opportunity and it is their fault if they never succeed. It takes away their excuses and makes them accountable for their actions.
Telling them to call you back shows you are a leader and also tells them that you don't need their business to succeed. You are there to help them achieve their goals and dreams, but you aren't going to beg for the opportunity to help them. When you demonstrate your leadership, they can sense that you are going to pick up the phone and call someone else immediately since they didn't make up their minds. People don't like to feel as though they are missing out on a good opportunity.
The ideal situation would be for you to never have to worry about calling anyone back or waiting to hear from them. The only way this can happen is if you master the art of closing. Recognizing the difference between rejection & buying questions is essential. The words "can't" or "won't" usually lead to rejection, but 90% of what they ask will be buying questions. Don't let people tell you "MAYBE." It's either YES or NO.
When your prospect trusts and believes in you, they will never do business anywhere else. Have posture and conviction when you speak and be confident to expect results. The prospect needs to feel that you are the leader they want. Always assume someone will buy and you will help them do it. Always be direct and don't pamper your prospects or seem needy.
The more information you provide your prospects, the less likely you will close a sale. When you keep telling them benefit after benefit, the conversation gets overloaded with too many aspects for the prospects to think about. You don't want to make it seem like you need to convince someone to join you or buy your product. Focus on the reason they contacted you. Usually they are only looking to solve one or two problems.
Always treat your closing like it is the last time you will hear from them unless they call you back. Do not let it bother you if they reject the sale. There are too many other people in your target audience to focus on that would beg for your help. Keep the focus on the prospect at hand and leave the door open for them to call you when they are ready.
Proper marketing education will emphasize the negative aspects of calling people back, as well as many other outdated techniques that most network marketing companies teach. My business didn't begin to move until I stopped calling prospects and hounding them for business. If you want to be in control of your business, start by being in control of the kind of education you are receiving.
The reason for the lack of success in signing up these prospects is because many call-backs are worthless after the first closing attempt. You have one and only one chance at closing your sale. You'll starve to death waiting for someone to follow through with what they promise. It's a sad but true fact.
Why does calling someone back make things even worse? Because it is telling your prospect that you need their business enough to take time out of your schedule to chase them down. If they think you are desperate for business, they'll start looking elsewhere for something with more leadership ability.
Only 3 things will happen when you are trying to close a prospect. A person can buy a product from you, they can hang up the phone on you, or you can choose to end the call. If the prospect wants to buy before your presentation is over, close the sale then. If they hang up, they're obviously not interested. When you choose to end the call, leave the ball in their court by telling them to call you back when they are ready.
Why does this technique work better than calling them back in a few days? Because its puts the responsibility on their shoulders. It tells them that unless they physically pick up the phone and call you, they are missing out on the opportunity and it is their fault if they never succeed. It takes away their excuses and makes them accountable for their actions.
Telling them to call you back shows you are a leader and also tells them that you don't need their business to succeed. You are there to help them achieve their goals and dreams, but you aren't going to beg for the opportunity to help them. When you demonstrate your leadership, they can sense that you are going to pick up the phone and call someone else immediately since they didn't make up their minds. People don't like to feel as though they are missing out on a good opportunity.
The ideal situation would be for you to never have to worry about calling anyone back or waiting to hear from them. The only way this can happen is if you master the art of closing. Recognizing the difference between rejection & buying questions is essential. The words "can't" or "won't" usually lead to rejection, but 90% of what they ask will be buying questions. Don't let people tell you "MAYBE." It's either YES or NO.
When your prospect trusts and believes in you, they will never do business anywhere else. Have posture and conviction when you speak and be confident to expect results. The prospect needs to feel that you are the leader they want. Always assume someone will buy and you will help them do it. Always be direct and don't pamper your prospects or seem needy.
The more information you provide your prospects, the less likely you will close a sale. When you keep telling them benefit after benefit, the conversation gets overloaded with too many aspects for the prospects to think about. You don't want to make it seem like you need to convince someone to join you or buy your product. Focus on the reason they contacted you. Usually they are only looking to solve one or two problems.
Always treat your closing like it is the last time you will hear from them unless they call you back. Do not let it bother you if they reject the sale. There are too many other people in your target audience to focus on that would beg for your help. Keep the focus on the prospect at hand and leave the door open for them to call you when they are ready.
Proper marketing education will emphasize the negative aspects of calling people back, as well as many other outdated techniques that most network marketing companies teach. My business didn't begin to move until I stopped calling prospects and hounding them for business. If you want to be in control of your business, start by being in control of the kind of education you are receiving.