So if you've decided to start an online business, its possible that you are overwhelmed with the seemingly endless array of tasks that need to be to get it up and running fast.
From domain names, to blogs, to articles, to hosting, there seems to be no end to the things you need to know.
As you go along, you may find that people recommend you get a mentor.
But is a mentor really for you? If you enjoy doing and learning things on your own, and are disciplined enough to come up with and stick to a plan, maybe not.
But one thing to realize is that even if you are, a mentor can cut the time it would take for you to get the right services in half.
This is the biggest reason to hire a mentor: They have already "done it" and can guide you past any pitfalls you may encounter and have the contact to get you the right services for your business and in some cases may even be able to get you discounted rates.
You may be wondering what to expect from your mentor in terms of how he or she will help you.
First off, no mentor will do the work for you.
What they WILL do is guide you in a series of steps as you get started and this will depend on the type of mentor you have.
If you have a full business mentor, they may direct you on properly setting up your business.
From there they may give you some methods to research your market as well as do things like keyword research and domain registration.
Many will make these a series of homework style exercises.
The best mentors will have a set schedule with you and expect you to be there on time with the work completed in order to move onto the next phase.
Taking large tasks and breaking them down is key to moving forward everyday with your online business as you will see results faster, and keep you sanity intact.
From domain names, to blogs, to articles, to hosting, there seems to be no end to the things you need to know.
As you go along, you may find that people recommend you get a mentor.
But is a mentor really for you? If you enjoy doing and learning things on your own, and are disciplined enough to come up with and stick to a plan, maybe not.
But one thing to realize is that even if you are, a mentor can cut the time it would take for you to get the right services in half.
This is the biggest reason to hire a mentor: They have already "done it" and can guide you past any pitfalls you may encounter and have the contact to get you the right services for your business and in some cases may even be able to get you discounted rates.
You may be wondering what to expect from your mentor in terms of how he or she will help you.
First off, no mentor will do the work for you.
What they WILL do is guide you in a series of steps as you get started and this will depend on the type of mentor you have.
If you have a full business mentor, they may direct you on properly setting up your business.
From there they may give you some methods to research your market as well as do things like keyword research and domain registration.
Many will make these a series of homework style exercises.
The best mentors will have a set schedule with you and expect you to be there on time with the work completed in order to move onto the next phase.
Taking large tasks and breaking them down is key to moving forward everyday with your online business as you will see results faster, and keep you sanity intact.