As is known to all, the emulational products market in China has boomed, which though enjoys much praise as blame. About its expansion we all may have some confusion. To have a better understanding of it,tracing back to the source may be a advisable way.
How and where did it start?
The special word "emulational" in chinese springs from Cantonese, an industrial phenomenon which showed up mostly in the District of Shenzhen and Guangdong.Its prime features include Emulating, rapidness, popularization. At first, some little workshops began with emulating brand products, then step by step penetrating into more and more
product fields like digital market, Video games. The emulational-culture has quietly took root.
spreading over the Guangdong Province, these industries proceeded and manufactured electronic products of all kinds, for which they were hardly authorized. during 2001 and the next year, cell phines like Nokia and Sansung could be found everywhere. At that time, hardly no one noticed that this Breeze would one day turn into a tornado, whch in
turn shakes the ascendancy of major brands and even changes the future of IT industry in China.
Ater abolishing the approval system of mobile phone...
Barely after technological barriers were conquered, that gave the green light to volume-produce of emulational products, investitions poured
in from all quarters, from tiny workshops to enterprises who match major brands in strength.
In 2007 the approval system of mobile phone was abolished. Shortly after that an elaborate industry chain of emulational mobile phones shaped.This fresh unveiled policy was like spring rain moisting the barren soil, where little workshops struggle to live. The announcement of this policy not only ended illegal emulationof companies, who couldn't
authorized produce relevant products,but enabled them to initiate brands of themselves, doing a favor for a few aggressive companies to have a finger in the pie.
Up to 2008, the emulational products have captured markets all over the country. The special chinese culture got mature day by day.Through plagiarizing and transcending major brands in the design, emulational products markets overthrew the tradition by building up a emulational realm,
which is a power to be reckoned with and thought-provoking.
Consumer: All's fish that comes to his net.
Despite of its cloudy reputation, emulational products already gains certain market share. Whatever is, is right. Towards emulational markets opinion differ. a Web site has made an investigation about it. The results show that 38.7% regard emulational products as copying, while 40.8% think
it is a kind of innovation.
As Li Zonggui said, culture institute director of Zhongshan university,emulational products market is a resistance against related industries especially against exorbitant profits of monopolized industries.
three primary Advantages of emulational mobile phones
1. Full Function
Fast all emulational ones are famous for it. Whatever the requirement is, will be filled. Customers supremacy is the service aim of emulational products dealers and traders. Whenever there is creativity, it will never have
no place to display itsself.
Compared with domestic-made products, which orientate themselvesround intrinsic development of their enterprises, it isa big advance and more customer-friendly.
2. long standby time
It is well known that standby time of emulational mobile phones is longer than normal ones. The battery capacity's record is constantly broken. Recently a new record set by a mobile phone called ZJ268. Its battery capacity is
32800 milliampere, which could standby 2 years.
3. nominal price
emulational ones are much cheaper than regular ones. The price factor serves as the ultimate weapon of emulational products against major brands.
Apart from price advantages, the dealers and traders are good at buzz marketing, which is a viral marketing technique that attempts to make each encounter with a consumer appear to be a unique, spontaneous personal exchange of information instead of acalculated marketing pitch choreographed by a professional advertiser.
In this case, only if customers buy a emulational mobile phone, they will get a "member card", with which the next customer will have price discount. They will also get some cash. Because of low cost some dealers and traders have built up after service system.
split: to have its own brand or remains emulational?
On the mobile phone market the competition has been increasingly intensive. Smart phone with operating system is nibbling the whole market, which squeezes emulational products out. Of them are two representatives: iphone and HTC. It is apparent that emulational products in technique couldn't keep pace with the times. For emulational products dealers are two ways: strive to attain own brand or
remain emulational, copying?
Some emulational mobile phones have successfully "forsaked darkness for light", switching to independent brand, such as oppo and Meizu. Independat and standard brands
are never out of date. While emulational products are confronting more and more grim situation, such as rules and regulations are tending perfect.
The emulational market which emerged unexpectedly is thought-provoking. Its positive side could not be neglected. In the future it may be necessary and useful
supplement to the market.
A hundred schools of thought contend. Maybe such kind of market would be the best and healthiest one.
How and where did it start?
The special word "emulational" in chinese springs from Cantonese, an industrial phenomenon which showed up mostly in the District of Shenzhen and Guangdong.Its prime features include Emulating, rapidness, popularization. At first, some little workshops began with emulating brand products, then step by step penetrating into more and more
product fields like digital market, Video games. The emulational-culture has quietly took root.
spreading over the Guangdong Province, these industries proceeded and manufactured electronic products of all kinds, for which they were hardly authorized. during 2001 and the next year, cell phines like Nokia and Sansung could be found everywhere. At that time, hardly no one noticed that this Breeze would one day turn into a tornado, whch in
turn shakes the ascendancy of major brands and even changes the future of IT industry in China.
Ater abolishing the approval system of mobile phone...
Barely after technological barriers were conquered, that gave the green light to volume-produce of emulational products, investitions poured
in from all quarters, from tiny workshops to enterprises who match major brands in strength.
In 2007 the approval system of mobile phone was abolished. Shortly after that an elaborate industry chain of emulational mobile phones shaped.This fresh unveiled policy was like spring rain moisting the barren soil, where little workshops struggle to live. The announcement of this policy not only ended illegal emulationof companies, who couldn't
authorized produce relevant products,but enabled them to initiate brands of themselves, doing a favor for a few aggressive companies to have a finger in the pie.
Up to 2008, the emulational products have captured markets all over the country. The special chinese culture got mature day by day.Through plagiarizing and transcending major brands in the design, emulational products markets overthrew the tradition by building up a emulational realm,
which is a power to be reckoned with and thought-provoking.
Consumer: All's fish that comes to his net.
Despite of its cloudy reputation, emulational products already gains certain market share. Whatever is, is right. Towards emulational markets opinion differ. a Web site has made an investigation about it. The results show that 38.7% regard emulational products as copying, while 40.8% think
it is a kind of innovation.
As Li Zonggui said, culture institute director of Zhongshan university,emulational products market is a resistance against related industries especially against exorbitant profits of monopolized industries.
three primary Advantages of emulational mobile phones
1. Full Function
Fast all emulational ones are famous for it. Whatever the requirement is, will be filled. Customers supremacy is the service aim of emulational products dealers and traders. Whenever there is creativity, it will never have
no place to display itsself.
Compared with domestic-made products, which orientate themselvesround intrinsic development of their enterprises, it isa big advance and more customer-friendly.
2. long standby time
It is well known that standby time of emulational mobile phones is longer than normal ones. The battery capacity's record is constantly broken. Recently a new record set by a mobile phone called ZJ268. Its battery capacity is
32800 milliampere, which could standby 2 years.
3. nominal price
emulational ones are much cheaper than regular ones. The price factor serves as the ultimate weapon of emulational products against major brands.
Apart from price advantages, the dealers and traders are good at buzz marketing, which is a viral marketing technique that attempts to make each encounter with a consumer appear to be a unique, spontaneous personal exchange of information instead of acalculated marketing pitch choreographed by a professional advertiser.
In this case, only if customers buy a emulational mobile phone, they will get a "member card", with which the next customer will have price discount. They will also get some cash. Because of low cost some dealers and traders have built up after service system.
split: to have its own brand or remains emulational?
On the mobile phone market the competition has been increasingly intensive. Smart phone with operating system is nibbling the whole market, which squeezes emulational products out. Of them are two representatives: iphone and HTC. It is apparent that emulational products in technique couldn't keep pace with the times. For emulational products dealers are two ways: strive to attain own brand or
remain emulational, copying?
Some emulational mobile phones have successfully "forsaked darkness for light", switching to independent brand, such as oppo and Meizu. Independat and standard brands
are never out of date. While emulational products are confronting more and more grim situation, such as rules and regulations are tending perfect.
The emulational market which emerged unexpectedly is thought-provoking. Its positive side could not be neglected. In the future it may be necessary and useful
supplement to the market.
A hundred schools of thought contend. Maybe such kind of market would be the best and healthiest one.