If you Google "How to get rid of pimples [http://www.skincarefriends.com/how-to-get-rid-of-pimples/]", you'll probably get random advice on how to do it. Just so you know, this article will tell you about how to get rid of them quickly and some tips on how to prevent them.
The Quick Fix
Almost everyone's first gesture when they give attention to their pimples is touching them, and then popping them like there's no tomorrow. After all, who wants to have zits sitting on your face for a long time? You want to get rid of your pimples ASAP. Here's what you need to do:
First you need to comply with this rule: Do not touch the pimple's. Keep in mind that you are running the risk of getting more bacteria in it and make it even worse. So no matter how tempting it is, do not do it.
1. Before washing your face, take a clean washcloth, run it under warm water and hold it on your pimple for about 10-15 minutes. This makes the pimple soften up and ooze out a little bit. If you have more time, you can also do this as long as you think you need or until the pimple would turn into somewhat just a whitehead. Some people do it even for an hour. It's time consuming but it helps.
2. To lessen the redness, there are two things that you could do: make an aspirin treatment or use Visine® especially formulated for eye redness.
- Aspirin treatment: Get one tablet of aspirin and grind it until it turns into powder. You can use anything from a spoon or the bottom of a cup to do this. Put a little water, just enough to make a paste. Apply the aspirin paste on the pimple and wait till it becomes dry and wipe it off. It should lessen the redness.
- Using Visine®: Put some Visine® on a Q-tip, and press it on to the pimple for about a minute. It lessens the redness although not completely.
3. If you are going out and have to hide it, camouflage it to your skin color. You can use a healing concealer or a medicated concealer for this. Dermablend and Proactive have versions of this.
Other Tips
It is important that you customize your cosmetics for your skin type. People who are prone to having pimples usually have oily skin. If you have oily skin, then use cosmetics for oily skin. Always wash your face before going to bed so that the skin will regenerate well.
Washing your hair before sleeping and always using a clean pillow case works wonders for some people. Some bacteria and oils from our hair get trapped in your pillow case making it a cause for developing pimples. And as many doctors would say, drink plenty of water! Water cleanses and helps balance our system in some way. Now that you have some ideas on how to get rid of your pimples, go ahead and try what is written here, it might work for you.
The Quick Fix
Almost everyone's first gesture when they give attention to their pimples is touching them, and then popping them like there's no tomorrow. After all, who wants to have zits sitting on your face for a long time? You want to get rid of your pimples ASAP. Here's what you need to do:
First you need to comply with this rule: Do not touch the pimple's. Keep in mind that you are running the risk of getting more bacteria in it and make it even worse. So no matter how tempting it is, do not do it.
1. Before washing your face, take a clean washcloth, run it under warm water and hold it on your pimple for about 10-15 minutes. This makes the pimple soften up and ooze out a little bit. If you have more time, you can also do this as long as you think you need or until the pimple would turn into somewhat just a whitehead. Some people do it even for an hour. It's time consuming but it helps.
2. To lessen the redness, there are two things that you could do: make an aspirin treatment or use Visine® especially formulated for eye redness.
- Aspirin treatment: Get one tablet of aspirin and grind it until it turns into powder. You can use anything from a spoon or the bottom of a cup to do this. Put a little water, just enough to make a paste. Apply the aspirin paste on the pimple and wait till it becomes dry and wipe it off. It should lessen the redness.
- Using Visine®: Put some Visine® on a Q-tip, and press it on to the pimple for about a minute. It lessens the redness although not completely.
3. If you are going out and have to hide it, camouflage it to your skin color. You can use a healing concealer or a medicated concealer for this. Dermablend and Proactive have versions of this.
Other Tips
It is important that you customize your cosmetics for your skin type. People who are prone to having pimples usually have oily skin. If you have oily skin, then use cosmetics for oily skin. Always wash your face before going to bed so that the skin will regenerate well.
Washing your hair before sleeping and always using a clean pillow case works wonders for some people. Some bacteria and oils from our hair get trapped in your pillow case making it a cause for developing pimples. And as many doctors would say, drink plenty of water! Water cleanses and helps balance our system in some way. Now that you have some ideas on how to get rid of your pimples, go ahead and try what is written here, it might work for you.