Health & Medical Men's Health

Penis Enlarging Exercises - 2 Amazingly Easy Exercises That Will Help You Get a Bigger Penis

As far as penis enlargement methods go, penis enlarging exercises offer a more realistic solution that most.
I'm not going to make insane claims like you'll see on many websites (like the "add 5 inches to your penis in just a week" crap you might see from time to time), but they do offer a working solution to penis enlargement that can yield real results with a bit of dedication.
This article gives you two exercises you can use to start getting a bigger penis immediately, enjoy! Exercise #1: The Jelq The jelq is one of the most widely known of the penis enlarging exercises, and for good reason: It works! Like with any workout, begin this exercises by warming up.
When it comes to penis exercises, "warming up" means wrapping your penis in a warm towel so that you can slowly achieve about a 70% erection (this is the ideal state for making sure your exercises are effective).
Next, lubricate the penis with whatever you like.
Start out by making a ring or an "OK sign" out of the thumb and index finger on one hand.
Squeeze this ring gently around the base of your penis.
Now move your hand forward, squeezing the whole time.
You should be able to feel the pressure of blood being moved through the penis, but the motion should be completely pain-free and comfortable.
Once this hand reaches the tip of your penis, begin the motion again with your free hand, performing a full repetition.
Exercise #2: Kegels This is actually a hands-free exercise and one that I found quite silly at first, but my mindset changed a bit when I started to see results.
This exercise requires you to actually be fully erect.
What you're going to do is flex your PC muscle, this is the muscle that the base of the penis and you may recognize it as the muscle you use to control the flow of urine while peeing.
When you quickly flex the PC muscle, your penis should sort of "hop" up.
What you're doing here is quickly allowing more blood into the penis, while at the same time placing weight on your PC muscle.
While the Jelq focuses primarily on length, this exercise can be used to increase the girth/thickness of the penis.
Not to mention that having a strong PC muscle results in excellent orgasm control and "hardness" of erections.
Penis enlarging exercises work because you are placing a stress on your inner-penis tissues that is very similar to they way in which traditional exercise stresses your muscles.
The body reacts to this new stress by increasing cell growth in the area in an attempt to make you better able to handle that stress the next time it occurs.
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